World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Wednesday 26 October 2022

History of Prophet Musa Alaihis salam

 Prophet Musa [Moses] & Harun [Aaron] (Peace be upon them)

Prophet Musa [Moses] & Harun [Aaron] (Peace be upon them)

Prophet Musa [Moses] & Harun [Aaron] (Peace be upon them)

 Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) belonged to an Israeli family. His followers still exist in the number of millions. They have established their own separate homeland in the name of Israel. In the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) is mentioned in detail. The name of the family in which he was born in Bani Israel. The meaning Israel is the servant of God, this is the reason why the first son of Hazrat Yaqub was called Bani Israel.

Hazrat Yaqoob's homeland was Canaan. Once there was a severe famine in the country of Canaan, and there was a shortage of grain. How and under what conditions Hazrat Yaqoob migrated is mentioned in the history of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him), so Hazrat Yaqoob (peace be upon him) and his firstborn settled in Egypt. There were few Israelis among them who lived in Duqu, so this nation used to enslave the Copts. The Copts looked down on the Israelis They worked hard, built buildings, washed loads, dug wells, and brought water, but their own situation was that they were not lucky enough to eat to their full stomach. He was called the god of God. They also considered animals as gods. Among them, especially the bull was considered sacred. He worshiped the sun and was called Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Once it happened that one day the astrologer said to Pharaoh that a boy will be born into the Israelite family who will oppose him and his religion, and he will not accept him as God. The pharaoh was frightened and wondering what to do now, he consulted the courtiers He opined that there is only one way to get rid of this problem. It is that in any Israeli house where a boy is born, he will be killed and the girls will be left, thus the danger will be avoided. For this, workers must be left, they will go from house to house to get information about which house has a pregnant woman and then keep an eye on her.

So it happened. The workers were left for this work, these workers went from house to house, among the petulant Israelis, even the courage to speak against Pharaoh, they could not protest, they were heart to heart Despite all these prohibitions, a boy was born to a man named Imran in an Israeli family. Imran's wife was worried about how to save the boy. Finally, Pharaoh's servants found out and started knocking on the door. Imran's wife understood, and she immediately put the child inside the burning oven, so that Pharaoh's men would not even suspect. Imran's wife was firmly convinced that the child must have been burnt, she put her hand on her heart and immediately put it in the oven Dekhatu jumped for joy, the child was alive and safe in the fire, immediately the child was taken out of the fire, the child was completely safe, no part of the body was burnt, he thanked Allah, the danger was over. Allah put it in the heart of Imran's wife that she should breastfeed the child and put it in a box and put it in the river Nile. Imran's wife had a special type of box prepared in which there was no way for water to enter. The baby was fed with milk and clothed, placed in a chest, and contentedly placed on the surface of the Nile. A daughter of Imran. whose name was Maryam, the mother told her daughter that along with this box, the River Walk along the banks of the river and see where the ark reaches, so Mary did that. The ark floated along with the flow of water. Another branch from this river was taken out in the enclosure of Pharaoh's palace. The ark entered the enclosure of the palace. It was done, it stopped in front of the palace, there Pharaoh was sitting with his wife on the ark in front of both of them, Maryam kept watching everything as soon as the ark stopped near Pharaoh's palace, Maryam went back and narrated the whole incident to her mother.

Pharaoh took out the box and when he opened it, he saw a beautiful child with hands and feet, screaming, both were surprised and started touching each other's faces then Pharaoh said that the child is an Israelite It is known, he should be killed. On this Pharaoh's wife gave advice and said that we do not have any children. It is better to raise him as a foster child. When I reach my age, he should adopt all our habits and temperament. We will make him our son. Pharaoh listened carefully to his wife's words and agreed. Both of them took the baby and started nursing it but the baby was not drinking milk. Many noble women were called for nurturing, but the child did not drink anyone's milk. Maryam said to Pharaoh's wife, "I will bring a heifer, the child will surely drink her milk, give me permission I will give Maryam immediately went to her mother and told her the good news and brought her along.

Imran's wife reached Pharaoh's palace and hugged the baby, the baby started drinking milk happily. Mother and child began to live together as days passed and Hazrat Musa began to grow up inside the palace when I age When I was one year old, Pharaoh got married. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) often left the city and wandered around the city. One day, he was passing by a road when a Copt was confusing himself with an Israeli Called Musa (peace be upon him) for help. When Musa (peace be upon him) came near, he saw that the Copt was killing the Israeli. Musa (peace be upon him) tried to save him, but the Copt was not listening. When the Coptic man punched him, he bubbled up and died a moment later. This incident caused Musa (peace be upon him) to regret, he did not want to kill himself, then he prayed to Allah Almighty: O my Lord, I have wronged my life, forgive me Doubt is very forgiving. Pharaoh ordered to find the murderer, and after some time Moses (peace be upon him) was passing by a road and saw that the same Israelite was confused with another Copt. He called Moses like last time. He said that you are always fighting with people and calling me. The Israeli shouted and said, "Why are you angry with us? Are you going to kill me as you killed a previous one a few days ago?" Passers-by heard this, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was afraid that the word would reach Pharaoh's ears and he would punish me. You decided to leave Egypt with this idea because of Pharaoh's anger This was the only way to escape.

Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) left Egypt and went towards Badin. He was setting a path. What was the path? It was a flat plain where there was no water and no shade trees. There were only thorny bushes. But you kept going. At some distance, a well was seen, and some people were seen filling the water there. When he came near the well, he saw that the shepherds were drawing water and there were also some boys standing on one side. discovered So the girls told that these shepherds do not let them take water The father is old and he is not able to fill water, so we have come here to fetch water. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) removed the shepherds from there, and removed the heavy stone from the well, the bucket of the well was also heavy, and the girls took water from that bucket. Gave it to and drank it himself. The girls watered their cattle and took the water and walked home. This place was strange for Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). No one knew him here. He had nothing to eat. He was very tired because of the journey. They sat in the shade of a nearby tree and prayed:

"O Lord, I need the good things that You have revealed." The girls reached home and the stranger narrated the whole incident to the father about the traveler and giving water. Following her father's order, the daughter came to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and said my father has reminded you to come with me, he wants to meet you. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) got ready and left together. On the way, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said to the girl I will go ahead, you should follow me and guide me both reached home. The daughter introduced Hazrat Musa The two continued to talk for some time. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) narrated the whole incident of leaving Egypt. Upon this, the elderly host, introducing himself as Shoaib, said, "You are my guest, and you are safe here."

Now you are far from the wrongdoers. The daughter advised the father to hire this stranger because he is strong and trustworthy. When the father asked the reason for being strong, he told that the proof of being strong was found in this way. But why did Bitium know that he is also trustworthy? Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him) asked. The daughter replied that when I went to call, the stranger asked me to follow him, and he came and walked The signal to walk back was so that his eyes would not fall on me. Hazrat Shoaib said to Hazrat Musa that Allah has put it in my heart that I should marry my daughter Safoora to you, her right is in the dowry, that you should take care of my goats for eight years. It is even better. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) agreed to the conditions and the marriage took place. Hazrat Shoaib also gave his staff to Hazrat Musa handed over, he stayed in Madin for some time and continued to carry out his responsibilities, but even though he remained the governor of Egypt, he sometimes thought of going back to Egypt and reviewing the situation. Once he made up his mind, he informed Hazrat Shoaib of his intention and asked for permission. Hazrat Shoaib gave permission to go. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) packed his luggage to go with his wife Safoora and left for Egypt. They were planning the route when the time for food came and the fire was needed for cooking. Suddenly the sky is black The clouds covered it, and a strong and hot wind came, after that, it started raining, which changed the weather, rather the weather became cold. Maybe fire can be seen somewhere. You saw that light appeared at some distance. You said to your wife Safoora I see a light some distance from here, I am going, maybe there is a fire burning there, I am going to take fire I am You set off towards this place of light, reaching there after a while. He went near and saw that there was a mountain and there was a tree nearby with light coming from its trunk. He began to look carefully. A voice emerged from this place, the voice was of Jah and Jalal: The name of this place is 'Tawi', so take off your shoes and then climb this height, this is the mountain of Tawi. On this, he was startled by the mysterious voice, and he felt some fear, as per the command, he went up to the height, then the voice echoed: "O Musa, I have chosen you as a prophet, I am the Lord, worship me." Establish prayer. Then you speak to Allah, therefore to Hazrat Musa It is also called Kaleem Allah. The light that was seen was the light of Allah, which appeared as a mountain. Allah then asked Musa, peace be upon him: "O Musa, what is in your hand?" Musa says. This is my staff, I drive the goats with it, sweep the leaves from the trees, and feed the goats with it. Then there is a command from Allah to put this stuff on the ground. You obey the command, the staff of the snake. It takes shape and sounds, don't be afraid to pick it up. If you pick up the snake, it turns back into a staff. It is ordered to go to Pharaoh and guide him.

Yes, Hazrat Musa says to his Lord, "I am afraid that Pharaoh will kill me." Then you beseech your Lord to make Baron my helper, he has a good language. Allah said, O Musa, I will give you and your brother strength, I will make you prevail over the people. Pachar Musa, peace be upon him, prayed, O Allah, expand my chest and open the knot of my tongue so that I can speak to the people. Aaron will be my helper. Allah said, Your needs have been fulfilled. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) went to his wife Safoora and narrated the whole incident and said, "I am going to Pharaoh with the message of Allah to stay wherever I am." He left for Egypt with a staff, and upon reaching there, he met his family and told them the whole story Did you tell Haroon the good news? Both of them appeared together in the Pharaoh's palace. Seeing Hazrat Musa, Pharaoh shouted and said, "O Musa, you have not treated me well. I raised you like a child and brought you up, but you did not pay your due.", I know that you killed a person, and ran away. You have not been seen for a long time. do Yes, Maya Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said, "My intention was not to kill, what happened was a coincidence, so I asked forgiveness from my Lord I only ran away out of fear when my Lord gave me prophethood, I have come to bring you to the right path.

After listening to the words of Hazrat Musa, Pharaoh said to his companions and courtiers that Moi has gone mad and speaks strange things. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said I am not mad. If you have even an iota of understanding, you can understand. Pharaoh claimed and said, "Who else can be a god besides me? If you do not consider me as a god, then I will imprison you He can and can give me the kingdom of the whole world. To this Paramwi (peace be upon him) replied that my Lord is capable of everything. God told Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) to talk to Pharaoh with a gentleness that will touch his heart. Pharaoh asked again, what evidence do you have that God has made you a prophet? Musa put his staff on the ground and it turned into a fearsome giant. Pharaoh was horrified when he saw this miracle. Then Hazrat Musa lifted the stick and it became a staff. Pharaoh said to the courtiers that Moi is a sorcerer Dega Pharaoh's companions advised him to call the great magicians from all over the country to compete with Moi or it would not be enough for Musa to compete with them, so the magicians were found, and brought to Pharaoh's court and A message was also sent to Musa (peace be upon him) to come and cast spells Compete with Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) arrived at the bar, Harun was also with him. Pharaoh said to Moi, "Show your perfection." Moses called the magicians and said, "Come, show the perfection of your magic. The magicians had also brought ropes with them. When they put it on the ground, they turned into big snakes and started crawling. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) also put his staff on the ground and it became a mouthful and swallowed all the snakes.

Lathi Se Sanp (Snake) Kaise Bana


Seeing this miracle, the magicians were amazed. Musa (peace be upon him) said that truth and falsehood have been revealed. All the magicians, seeing the miracle, prostrated themselves and said, "Let us believe in the religion of Moi and Haroon (peace be upon them) and Said that Musa is right and true after hearing the praise of Musa and Haron from the words of the magicians, Pharaoh said to the magicians.

I will punish you people and cut off your hands and feet, the sorcerers replied to Pharaoh we have no fear, we have to go to the Lord, and He will forgive our sins, Hazrat Musa (A.S) Disappointed with Pharaoh's attitude, Salaam prayed to Allah. O Allah, punish Pharaoh, he is misleading the people, he has wealth and wealth, so live a life of luxury, but do not believe. Pharaoh was a disbeliever of Allah. One day, he ordered his minister, Haman, to worship God. I want to build a tower for him. done Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) had prayed, Allah heard him and Pharaoh went home in all kinds of punishment. Diseases broke out everywhere in the country, there was famine, not even a single grain of grain was available, and various disasters Pharaoh was terrified, and his people cried out, "What has happened?"

Pharaoh said to his people, tell Moi to avert this punishment. On the advice of Pharaoh, the people came to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and said, "We are all afflicted with punishment, we have no grain, we are starving and suffering from diseases." They are also tired of our sufferings, we are not so strong that we can bear them. Seeing their condition, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) felt compassion. When he prayed to Allah, the punishment was averted, and he was satisfied for some time Then they again indulged in sin and forgot the punishment. Then Allah sent down punishment on them, so he came to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and confessed his sins Believe in the Lord. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) then prayed for the salvation of his people, and the punishment was averted. The crops were destroyed, there was a famine in the country, lice appeared in the body, and frogs appeared everywhere until life became difficult Leave and go out with your people Bani Israel. According to Allah's order, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) left with his people Preparations started. At the same time, an epidemic broke out in Egypt, Copts died in large numbers, and corpses were coming out of every house. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) sent the Israelites away under the guidance of Hazrat Harun and he stayed behind The Pharaoh was informed, and the Pharaoh along with his army went in pursuit of the Israelites, the people of Musa were frightened after seeing the heavy army of the Pharaoh.

Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said while addressing his people. My companions, there is no need to be afraid, my Lord is with me and He will show us the way. A path was made in the middle. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) instructed his people I will cross the river through this path, you all should follow me. So Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) left and his people followed him Israel crossed the river. Pharaoh's gratitude had reached when Pharaoh saw Moi and his people crossing the road, he tried to cross the river with his army, and when Pharaoh and his army reached the middle, water was found on both sides. Pharaoh began to drown with his army, so he called out to Moi, "O Moses, I am drowning in the flood, I believe." Hazrat Musa did not pay attention to his voice and drowned along with his army. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) brought his people to the new land, and there were new difficulties for the Israeli nation Problems arose. There was no food and drink available, the land was barren, and there was no water, so no trees and plants were born. The Israelites cried out to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) what kind of a place have we come to and what kind of trouble have we got stuck in here. It has become twice as good. It would have been better if they did not leave the land of Egypt.

Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was also worried by the words of his people, there is no water or greenery here, then he struck the ground with staff for water, and twelve springs fell. A demand from Musa (peace be upon him) Can you provide food for us? When Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, Man and Salvi came down easily.

Scholars have explained that a type of bird called The Israelites used to eat its meat. Someone interpreted it like this: "When the Israelites were in the Sinai desert, there was no shade, so God created a cloud for them, and when it was night, the cloud became a pillar of fire." It produces light and heat. He also sent a special type of food 'manna' to eat, yet the Israelites were not cured They are tired while eating. O Musa (peace be upon him), pray to your Lord to produce cucumbers, onions, garlic, and lentils from the earth for us. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was surprised and said that good things can be found in a city, whoever needs all these things should go to the city. He (peace be upon him) then said that the troubles will be removed soon, and we will go to Egypt very soon. Hazrat Mui's people said that Pharaoh's rule is there and he is against us. How should we go there? He said that Pharaoh has drowned, and now he is no longer in this world, so there is no need to be afraid. The nation was not satisfied with the words of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and said that if Pharaoh If he is dead, they want to see his body. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, then the water covered Pharaoh's body and it bounced and came to the bank. When everyone saw it, they believed. Some time passed and Allah said to Hazrat Musa that his people Go back to Egypt together. According to the command of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), They went to Egypt with their people. There on Pharaoh's palaces and all his possessions After that you went to the place where you took your wife Safoora was asked to stay. After meeting you towards your nation Attracted and preaching the religion, he gave them a message: Allah Grant me prophethood, I will tell you the things of the law. If you follow this, you will benefit from it. The people of Musa (peace be upon him) said, "How can we believe that Allah made you a prophet?" Then he said to some righteous servants from among his people that you will see everything with your own eyes. You will have to go and whatever you see, the righteous servants agreed to come here and testify and agreed to go with Hazrat Musa.

He took seventy righteous servants with him and left Harun as his deputy. Twenty-seven men were scholars. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) took them to the mountain, then Allah revealed the revelation He said, "O Musa, you have fasted ten more times, then forty fasts will be completed, then I will reveal the Torah."

When the Torah was revealed to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him).

Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) told this to seventy good servants. All of them told you that we will not believe unless we see God with our own eyes. If you show us, God, we will believe. You told all these people that no one can see God, how can I show you, things come to my heart from God. But those people did not obey and remained stubborn, so God's anger was aroused. The lightning struck them all When they died, you became more worried and said in your heart how will I show my face to my people? Off to Egypt After ten fasts, forty fasts were completed. Then he again took these seventy good men with him and reached the mountain, where the revelation was revealed to him. Allah said, "Why did you hurry so much?" He answered so that you would be satisfied with me, then he said, "I want to see you." Allah said, "O Musa, if you will not be able to see me, then keep your eyes on the mountain." Hazrat Musa raised his eyes towards the mountain, then Allah showed His manifestation, so he could not bear it and fainted. When he regained consciousness, he saw that the mountain was broken into pieces.

When did Allah give the Torah to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him)? -

At that time, Allah revealed the Torah to him. It is said that he received the first ten commandments, which contained ten morals. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

Some interesting Information about Koh e Toor

And We have written all kinds of advice and details of everything on a few dogs so that you should put them into practice with effort and also command your people to follow their good commandments. (Surah Al-A'raf)

This is how it is mentioned in the Torah chapter of Exodus.

A Do not obey other gods before me.

2. So do not make for yourself a graven image.

3. So do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain because that is his name

He takes advantage of God and will not blame the innocent. 4. If he remembered, he would consider the Sabbath day holy.

5. You should honor your father and your mother as long as you live in this country

Take whatever the Lord your God gives you.

2. So don't bleed.

. Do not do bad and shameful things.

8. So don't steal.

9. So do not bear false witness against your neighbor. So you shall not blacken your neighbor's house, nor covet your neighbor's wife, nor his slave, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor Black pitching another thing of your neighborhood. (Exodus) After that, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) took these seventy men with him When he returned to the nation, he saw that the people had gone astray and were worshiping the calf Haroun (peace be upon him) narrated the whole story, and said. The Samaritan started misleading everyone, he told the people that Moses and those who had gone with him were all dead. I will work in the place of Musa (peace be upon him). If you want to worship God, then I will show you. He collected gold and silver by begging people and making a calf out of it. The donkey was placed in an open place and the people gathered around it. The Samaritan told the people that whatever they ask the donkey, it will answer. The Samaritan asked the calf, who is it? The calf replied, "I am your Lord." Moses (peace be upon him) And their companions are not alive. Believe me as Lord and follow the words of the Samaritan. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) heard all the words spoken by Haroon and said to the people, ``In Palam Obey the command of the Lord who created the whole universe. Allah has revealed to me the Book of Torah. This is the Sharia. Follow it. Then you broke the calf made by the Samaritan and said that it is idolatry, idols. Do not worship, do good deeds, and avoid evil. The people did not obey the words of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), so Allah sent down a strange and strange punishment for those people. Fall now Be the one. 

When the people saw the mountain hanging on their heads, they were frightened and fell down in prostration, so the punishment was removed from them. Allah once promised the farmers that they will make the country the heir of the land of Syria. Where you all will be able to live comfortably, but the condition is that you will have to fight to get this land. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) announced the good news to his people. They were happy, they wanted us to get this land easily, not to have to do Jihad, but they were not willing to do Jihad. They agreed later on Moi's explanation. Hazrat Musa first took his people to Canaan and went there for some satisfaction He breathed a sigh of relief and began to give his people Kotar Bait for Jihad. He devised some methods to create discipline. Following the command of the Sardar, after completing all these administrative matters, he started preparing to go to Jihad and was ordered to march toward Syria. And On San Now the Israelis were unwilling to go to Jihad, fearing the name of fighting and saying that the Syrians were strong and physically fit They are also fresher than us. We cannot fight with these strongmen. There is no motivation in us, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said, there is no need to be afraid of their dealings, Allah Almighty will give us victory. He remained and said, "O Musa, you fight, and your Lord is great, we will not fight." Musa was completely disappointed by this cowardly attitude of his people, then he prayed in despair, O Allah, separate me and my brother Haroon from them.

Allah heard the prayer of Musa and said that these people would wander in this desert for forty years They will not find a way out of there, so Hazrat Musa (peace be upon them) and Haroon (peace be upon them) separated from their people and left for Syria. After Musa (peace be upon them) and Haroon (peace be upon them) left, There was no one to guide them, and all kinds of trouble surrounded them. They were completely terrified by the suffering, now there was only one way left in front of them to go back to Egypt, but the way was not understood by them. When they started their journey, this was a strange situation in front of them When Musa and Harun (peace be upon them) returned from the country of Syria, they found it devastated. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said, "This is the result of your own misdeeds. You have become cowards. You refused to go to Jihad. That is the reason why you have all come under the wrath of Allah. You have been wandering here for forty years, Musa." When the Prophet (peace be upon him) cried out to Allah, their trouble was removed, they found a way, then different tribes went to different places. Some tribes settled in Bait al-Maqdis.

There was a man in Egypt, whose name was Qarun. But he was very miserly and miserly, he had no shortage of wealth. It is said that the keys of his treasure were so much that if the keys were to be taken somewhere, a caravan of camels was needed, and the keys were so heavy that the camels sat down under their weight, but he did not spend his wealth on the poor and needy, nor did he feed the hungry, nor did he give clothes to cover his clothes. wears Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) used to instruct Qarun that Allah has given him a lot of wealth. In the end, what is the purpose of wealth? Wealth is going to be left in the world. In the name of Allah, give to the poor and the needy. Qarun used to reply that I have created my wealth with my intellect and I want not to give it to anyone If you take out Zakat from your wealth, it will be good for the Westerners and they will pray for you. God will be pleased with you, Qarun would say that if I take out Zakat from my wealth, what will God give me in return. Musa (peace be upon him) said that your hereafter will be dark. He used to accuse Musa that he wanted to take away my wealth. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was very worried about Qarun's attitude and stubbornness. He was convinced that Qarun would never come to the right path, but on the contrary, he started defaming Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and used it to cause pain. He said: "O believers, do not become like the jinn People gave trouble to Musa, in the sight of Allah, Moi is very good and pure. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was completely disappointed, he cried out to Allah, then Allah told Musa (peace be upon him) to hit his staff on the ground. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) struck the earth with his staff, and the earth split. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said to the earth, "O earth, you have written the Qur'an in your heart. Allah has heard the prayer of Moi. The earth has opened its chest. It will slowly swallow the Qur'an." He kept repeating that Moi wants to take possession of my wealth, then Moi said, "O earth, let his wealth be absorbed in you." Qarun's own wealth Along with it, he went under heaps of dust, and neither he remained nor his wealth. In the Torah, there is the good news of the messengers of the Prophet ï·º

It is written in Turbat:

Lord your God, like me among your brothers among you

A prophet will arise, you should listen to him. (Istakhya)

"I raised for them a prophet like you from among their brothers I will do and put my words in his mouth, and whatever I say to him He will tell them all. (Exemption) This is the blessing given by God before his death And he forgave the children of Israel, and he said, The Lord came from Sinai and rose upon them from Seir, and from the mountain of Paran he fell flaming, and the fire in his right hand Sharia will be. (Ithaca) Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) loved cruelty so much that he used to search for knowledge and he also thought that he had a lot of knowledge. On this, Allah Almighty said to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) that one of my servants has more knowledge than you. If you want to know, meet this servant and inquire.

 I want to meet him, Allah pointed to such a place

Where they meet or meet each other. So Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) reached this place while searching. According to traditions, his name is Khazar (peace be upon him). Khazar (peace be upon him) used to show the way to the forgetful banks. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) met Khazar (peace be upon him), and after Alik Selek, they had a conversation. I want to learn, please guide me in this regard. Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) said whatever I do, you will not ask me, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) agreed to this condition and promised that whatever you do he will not ask, nor interfere. Hazrat Khazar then said you will not be able to endure whatever I do. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said I will be patient So both of them left and continued to set the path, they saw that there were some boats anchored on the beach. Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) broke those boats, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) could not bear to remain motionless, and finally, he asked about these poor people. 

Why did prophet Khazar break the plank of the boat?

Why did prophet Khazar break the plank of the boat?

Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) reminded me, "Why did I break the boats I did not tell you that you will not be patient. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) replied that I have made a mistake, then both went forward and Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) killed a boy on the way. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) became even more worried about this. And Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) said that you will not work with patience. Then both of them walked and reached a village. This place was very deserted. When they saw some people, Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) asked them for food, but they refused. They saw a place there where there was a wall that was rotten and weak. It might fall, you repaired this wall and made it stable, on this Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said to Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) that you repaired this wall, we are hungry and thirsty, you are for this work They could ask for labor. Hazrat Khazar (peace be upon him) replied that the work done by the command of God is not taken for his wages then he said to Musa. O Moi, you did not stick to your promise and asked again and again Now that we are separated from each other before I go, I want to tell you everything that I have done. O Moi, I destroyed the boats because those boats belonged to the poor sailors from whom they earned their livelihood. The king here to these boats from them and Wants to take them away When the sailors have no more boats, they will not be able to earn a living, so I broke the boats. I killed the boy because his parents are very pious and pious. If he had reached his old age, he would have spread mischief and corruption on the earth, caused suffering to God, and defamed his parents. Therefore, I killed him.

of Ended. I went ahead and repaired the wall, the property of the orphans is buried in it The children's father has kept the property for them. When the children grow up, they will take out the pitted property. There is a fear that the wall will fall if the wall is not repaired. . Both Hazrat Khazar (A.S.) and Hazrat Musa (A.S.) took their own path. Hazrat Musa (A.S.) went to his people and called them to do good deeds.

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