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Wednesday 2 November 2022

Prophet Yahya (peace be upon him) Story in English

Prophet Yahya  (peace be upon him)

Prophet Yahya  (peace be upon him)

Prophet Yahya  (peace be upon him)

 Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) was a great prophet, he was the son of Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him). The habits that were in Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) were also in him. Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) was a very worshipful prophet, Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) also worshiped Allah in the same way and used to remember Allah all the time and fully followed what Allah commanded. It is also important to know about Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him), so we will briefly describe the situation of Zakaria.

Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) did not have any children, now he was very old and had become very weak due to old age, but the desire for children was burning in his heart. He is capable of things, he can do everything, and his works are such that they do not come under the illusion and imagination of man, so he prayed to Allah day and night. After all, Allah heard his prayer and accepted his good news. Do not be disappointed, it will be a son, name him  Yahya.

What can be more good news than this for any disappointed person? He is getting what he asked for. After hearing the good news, Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) was also happy. Sometime after receiving the good news, his wish was fulfilled. 

According to the order, the son's name was also named According to the new discovery and information, the place where Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) Christians built their place of worship on it. of Christians, The church is called Saint John Apostat. Yes, where Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) was born, that place is near Bayt al-Maqdis, the name of this place is Moin Karim. To know the circumstances of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him), it is also necessary to know about Bayt al-Maqdis and the nation of Bani Israel.

It is proved from history that after leaving Egypt, the children of Israel continued to be beaten, they could not find shelter anywhere. Finally, they made their abode in Bait-ul-Maqdis and began to live there, but they could not correct their moral condition. On the contrary, their immorality and misguidance have been mentioned in the Torah, while mentioning these errors in the Ten Commandments, they were instructed to avoid them. They were forbidden to commit polytheism, those who do not respect their parents used to do, shed the blood of others unjustly, did not respect women, stole, and disturbed neighbors, and property of others They used to usurp, and did not treat people well. In the Holy Qur'an, the Bani Israel was also mentioned in this way. Allah took a covenant from the Bani Israel that they should not worship anyone but Allah, treat people well, establish prayer, and pay zakat, but the Bani Israel followed it. They didn't.
Due to their moral faults, they had to face humiliation and humiliation many times. Prophets kept coming to guide them to the right path, but people did not listen to their words, rather they put obstacles in their way to stay To know the above-mentioned situations, and the political and country conditions of that time It is also important to know. Since ancient times, the country of Arabia was occupied by two countries, some parts of Arabia were ruled by Persia, and others were ruled by Rome. The Arabs were the slaves of these two countries, these governments were called Qaisar and Kasri because these two governments had given powers to the local chiefs in their occupied areas, so every chief was a representative of one or the other government. The inhabitants of Arabia were bound to obey the orders. Jerusalem, which was an Arab region, was ruled by Rome. 

Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) lived in Bait al-Maqdis, there was a dispute between the chiefs in this area, the chiefs were also Israelis, and some chiefs invited the Romans there, taking advantage of the weakness of the chiefs, the Romans entered the area and took their coin Jamalia, the chiefs He also welcomed them. According to history, sixty-two years before the birth of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him), the Romans completely dominated Jerusalem.

The powers were subordinate to him. During the time of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him), the entire region of Syria and Palestine had come under the influence of Caesar Rome. The region of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) was also the ruler of Galilee.

The Romans were bad-natured, rude, and shameless, their whole life was sinful. Seeing the Romans, the Jews also adopted their bad habits and shameless ways and took the path of error. Allah made Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) a prophet and sent him to the misguided nation.  If you have food, he should feed the hungry person who has it and give it to the needy person who does not have it. And live on your salary.

And he used to exhort prayer and fasting as well. . Remember Allah day and night.
You were very famous in your time, you were counted among the famous people, people respected and respected you a lot, you also did not live a life of luxury You are away from worldly comforts and pleasures lived.

Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) made his abode in the forest away from the city to remember Allah

He made his abode in the forest far away from the city to remember Allah. He spent his whole life in that lonely place. You used to fully follow the commandments of the night and used to exhort the children of Israel to follow them as well. He does not like to listen to your words Because you had to face many difficulties, and you fought the oppressors stubbornly. You were also disappointed with the cruel behavior of the government and the chiefs Try too. Because of this, you were put in prison, but you showed patience.

The special attribute of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) is that he will is the one who confirms the decree of Allah, he will spread the religion of Allah and bring the misguided to the right path everywhere They used to wave flags and announce that the kingdom of heaven is near. Allah Ta'ala said to Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) O Yahya, hold fast to the Book of Allah, the Divine Book, Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) was disobedient in his childhood. He was obedient to his parents. He was not rebellious or disobedient. "Once Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) went to the forest to meet his son Hazrat Yahya and after searching, he found him and said: Son, we are very anxious to see you. You are a spring of tears here." 

Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) politely replied, "Father, it was you who told us that there is a field between heaven and hell that cannot be crossed without shedding tears out of fear of God and cannot reach heaven."

Hazrat Zakariya (peace be upon him) wept after hearing these words, Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) kept trying to please Allah by doing good deeds, while the Bani Israel was not unqualified among the religious scholars, rather they were proud that they were Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). They are the children of God, they can do whatever they want, and nothing will be asked of them. They also began to be humiliated even before God. with you 
When the Israeli scholars would come, he would tell them clearly that you should not be proud that they are the descendants of Abraham.

The words of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) used to have an effect on the heart, which would automatically fill the heart and get spiritual peace and happiness. There was an old ritual in the Bani Israel for centuries called pistachio. As a result of the preaching of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him), people are saved from sins After the ablution, those who wished to choose the religion of Allah would go to you for their reform, you would make such people ablution, and at the same time pour the water of the Jordan River on a bucket. This was a confirmation that They have left evil and come to goodness. You used to pray for these people.

But he would promise to stay away from future sins. Therefore, Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) began to be recognized by the title of baptizer in his people. The meaning of baptism is to paint the servant in the color of Allah. The best color is Allah's color. Your era and the era of Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) were the same, both were prophets of Allah Hazrat Yahya; He used to hear about the miracles and teachings of Jesus.

You were eager to get information, so you sent your followers to Jesus with a message to see if I was according to the reputation they heard or not. They went to Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) and narrated the message of Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him), then Hazrat  Isa (peace be upon him) advised them and told them about religion and also showed miracles and said that what you have seen is the same. Go and explain. The disciple returned and said that those who were blind saw, those who were lame could walk, and those who were dead came to life. After listening to him, he said that caring for the weak is also a great virtue. He hated evil and fascism very much.


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