World History

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Wednesday 12 October 2022

The story of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him)

The story of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him)

The story of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him)

 Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) belonged to the tribe of Aad. You were born into a noble and noble family Aadhi. Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) was sent by Allah to show the people of Aad the way of truth. Especially the weaker section was the victim of their cruelty and abuse, they used to take away the lands of the poor farmers and the grain produced in them. They did not even give them time to grow crops, so they used to spend their days in hunger and poverty. The occupation of the Aad people was agriculture, they were also well aware of the methods of agriculture. Apart from this, they used to cut the rocks of the mountains and make strong towers from these stones. They also lived in the caves of the mountains. The people of Aad lived a life of luxury but did not care for the poor and the needy, they did not feed the hungry but took away whatever they had to eat, those who forgot Allah and worshiped others. Their hearts are devoid of mercy. The people of Aad also worshiped idols. The people of Aad used to prostrate before him and ask him for a favor.

Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) was a prophet of Allah, he used to stop idolatry, he used to stop the oppressors from doing wrong, called to Allah, he used to say to his people:

O people, worship only Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Him, He is the One who should be worshiped, who created the earth, simple trees, and stones. Are you asking idols? You will not gain anything by worshiping these idols, it is your complete ignorance and misguidance, it is better that you turn away from these idols, you have made them with your own hands.

Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) advised his people and said: Allah created you and the whole universe. Produced sustenance in the earth. You do farming, and you get as much grain as possible from the land, despite that, you steal the grain of others, rather, you should have taken part of your grain for the needy and the poor, and fed the hungry. That they can live like you but you don't. Be thankful for what Allah has given you. The method is that you give them food and drink and medicine for those who do not have grain.

Hearing the advice of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him), people used to reply: What do you want from us? Whatever we do is our own will. It will be said that we do what our fathers used to do. Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) used to say that Allah has sent me as a prophet to tell you good things and to inform you of bad things and to prevent evil deeds. "Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) repeatedly advised his people, once again he repeated same words: "O people, listen to me, I want your good, what I say is good for you. Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) used to gently explain that do not oppress a weak person and do not restrict the sustenance of a poor person. Explain to them lovingly that O people, I am your brother and friend, I do not ask anything from you Allah will reward me for what I do. Dispelling the doubt of the nation, he said, "O nation, have you believed in me, that if you believe in me, then your farming will be ruined and your luxury will be disturbed." Don't even think like that, give up worshiping idols and believe in me, then Allah will bless you in your wealth and children and give you strength.

He reminded them of the things of the next age and said, O people, did not Allah send Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) as a prophet to guide the misguided. Then why do you deny being my prophet? He said about the idols, this idol which you consider as your god can neither do good to anyone nor harm you, but you are harming yourselves. I will neither believe nor be afraid of them, my trust is in Allah, who is your Lord and our Lord. One day the people of ``Aad asked Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) that you claim to be a prophet again and again, so what proof do you have for this? Show us the proof. We want to see and hear. We will not leave our gods without seeing the proof. And also tell us when the punishment is going to come. Asking when the punishment is going to come, only Allah knows best. I am only the one who conveys the message of Allah and is the one to warn about the coming punishment. Allah's wrath was aroused and the signs of punishment began to appear. The land began to cry due to drought, the wells began to dry up, there was no water even for irrigation in the fields, the greenness of trees and plants began to fade, and flowers began to wither. The people of Aad were longing for water, not even a drop of water was available. Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) said to his people: O my people, forgive your sins from your Lord and then ask Allah to send rain. The disobedient people said that we will not forgive our sins and will not accept you as a messenger. People always look to the sky for rain, maybe a cloud will come from somewhere and rain. One day it happened, a piece of cloud appeared and people were happy to see it That now it will rain. Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) said, what you are seeing is not a raining cloud, it is not a cloud, but a sign of punishment. The punishment I know His time has come, he has said what I had to say. About those who had believed in Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him), Allah said to Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him): Take those who have believed with you and go to a safe place. They left with it There is no believer left in the city. People saw that pieces of clouds were floating in the sky, the wind started blowing, and the wind was so fast that no one had heard or seen it before. Dirt and dust were flying around, big trees were uprooted, darkness spread everywhere, everything was blown in the air, many people could not stand or sit, and even big and strong buildings collapsed due to the force of the wind. They were drowned in the noise of the winds in the sound of shouting everywhere.

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