World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Tuesday 11 October 2022

Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him.

 Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him.

Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him.

 Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him.

Since the creation of the world, the generation of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) has been growing and expanding

Man has been divided into two parts, one of whom follows the path of good, and the other follows the path of evil. The prophets of God kept coming to lead those astray to the straight path, and after a long period Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) God sent Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him. Ten sacred books have been revealed to you. Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) was a prophet of God. He is also called the second Adam, and misinformation has spread in your time, few people were righteous, and the majority were misguided. You started preaching to get your nation on the right path. These people suffer from all kinds of evils, theft, dishonesty, dishonesty, lying, dishonorable actions, lack of service to parents, contempt for weak people, insulting westerners, quarrels, and killing other people's property. It was normal.

The nobility and sheiks were bothering the poor. Apart from this, these people used to worship idols. Idols were given the status of God, and they believed that if idols were not worshiped, the idols would become angry, and whoever does not worship idols is ignorant and stupid. He built four idols whose names were Wad Sawa, Yaghouth, and Nasr. Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, used to call his people to do good. He was ordering us to do bad things and forbidding us to do bad things. Share people of stature and class. And among the guests were the poor, the rich, and the sheiks too, and the lords and chiefs did not like to sit with the poor. They looked down on them and hated them, but Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) is all alone. When people asked about the reason for holding the banquet, he said:

Brothers, there has been corruption in the people of our nation, the biggest problem is that the strong class dominates the weak, the weak are our brothers also, we do not like to sit with you Westerners, we hate them. You do not feed any sick person among them, if someone asks for water from Pyasatam, do not offer water, if someone is sick, do not visit him, and do not serve your parents. Eating other people's money unjustly, and usurping other people's property, these are all evil deeds, besides you worship the idols made by your hands, these idols are creatures just like you. ? I came to inform you of a big punishment and one of the guests said he was a stranger We started saying Noah (peace be upon him) said: I do not say that we abandon our worship, and we only worship the one who created the whole world, and he is the one who kills.

And someone said: Noah kept saying this, we did not come to hear words against our gods, we do what our ancestors did. Finally, people began to get up and leave the gathering. Once upon a time Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) was passing on the road. An old man was seen, he was very thin and could not walk. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) inquired why you are lying on the road in this situation. Don't you have a home? The old man replied I have seven sons. They have thrown me out of the house due to old age. I don't even have anything to eat.

Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) took him to his house and said you stay in this house. I will give you food. When he prayed, a stranger entered the house, he had a bowl in his hand and there were all kinds of food in it. He said to Hazrat I have brought this food for your guest. Allah does not starve anyone.'' That old man.

Believed in Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him). One day he left the house for the purpose of guidance and stood in a high place and said, "People, I am calling to goodness, Allah has sent me as a prophet to guide you people, obey what I say." You will benefit. Do you serve your parents, don't take them out of the house, don't hurt them, fulfill the needs of the needy, help the brothers, widows, and the needy, and visit your loved ones, every weak and powerful person is in need. Don't die. God does not like idleness. If you all follow the commandments of God, He will send rain upon you abundantly for you. It will increase your wealth and children, and it will flow in the river for you. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) went to each person and gave guidance and sometimes addressed the gathering. Once it happened that Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) was passing by a road Some people blocked his way and wanted to kill him. Some people also threw stones and a person came forward and said to the people, "Why are you hitting him?" What harm has he done to you? So people said that it speaks against our idols, whereas We worship. Another person said that it says that I am a prophet, Allah has sent me as a prophet, this is us, like a human being, he eats, drinks and works, he does not even have wealth. He would make a chief and a rich man a prophet. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) replied that the biggest proof of my being a messenger is that I am a member of your community, but despite that, I did not send lifeless idols like you. The second major proof is that I am giving advice to you people but I do not demand any compensation from you. My reward is due to Allah, so I say that does not oppress anyone, I am calling you all to goodness, and goodness, I am your well-wisher." One of them said Noah wants to be a king or a chief so that he will be honored. Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him, said: "What has happened to your intellects that you are pushing stones?" O people, worship Allah, He is worthy of worship, there is no god but Allah. When you believe in Allah, you will be away from evil. I do not want to be a king or a leader, I am only calling for goodness.

Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him.

When Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) said these things, people put their fingers in their ears, they were not ready to listen to a single word. On one occasion Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) said to his people now Why do you ignorant people not understand this, Syed Naya is a place of trial, there is both good and bad in front of you. O people, I warn you of the coming day, on that day no one will be of any use. Look at those who have believed in me in the poor, but you are proud of wealth. O people, treat the poor with kindness, the hungry and the hungry. take care One of them said with pride and arrogance. Assume that we are yours Let's face it, should they believe in you and mingle with the poor and poor people who have believed in you, this is not possible. They tried to humiliate you, made fun of you, shouted at you, turned you away, abused you, tried to kill you, and even beat you one day. But you did not lose patience but continued your work. Your wife and your son were also among the disbelievers and disbelievers.

Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) prayed, O Lord, my Lord, I explained to my people day and night, call them to the truth or they kept running more when I called them. When I explained publicly and secretly, they put their fingers in their ears.

Allah sent a revelation to Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) that he should build an ark and not say anything about the wrongdoers.

According to the order of Allah, you started to prepare the boat. You said that I am preparing a boat because the punishment from Allah is coming, and the grace that Allah has given is running out, when the time comes, water will be seen everywhere, and only those who will be left. He will ride in the ascetic, who will get rid of idolatry, ask for forgiveness from sins, and get a place in this boat.

People said, "O Noah, the table is dry. There is not even enough water to make the boat float. Noah's mind has died. Hazrat Noah, peace be upon him, has been completely disappointed by these kinds of things and there is no hope of reformation." It was not visible, when the boat was ready, people would throw dirt in the boat. There was a place in the boat where there was no dirt. Infidels used to go inside the boat to spread filth. The statement had become routine. Once a leper also entered the boat with his unholy purpose. Some dirt got on one part of his grown-up body, and after some time he saw that the part where the dirt got on became good. Now he wondered what was the matter. After all, how can you heal from the filth? Then he entered the boat and the filth was all over his body and saw that he was completely healed. This word spread among the leprosy patients, so they all entered the boat and began to receive protection. In this way, the whole boat became clean. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, O Lord, the people did not listen to me and followed such people whose wealth and children caused them great harm, or do not leave even a single inhabitant of their furs on earth, if You They will let them live on the earth and their children are also disbelievers Will be."

Your prayer has been accepted, and Allah's punishment has come. The water boiled from the oven of the house. The water began to flow rapidly. The place from which the water boiled was a mosque in Kufa, which is called the Prophet's Mosque. On the other hand, dark clouds covered the sky.

Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) saw that springs were coming out of the ground, and Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) said that this is a sign of punishment. The disbelievers said that storms keep coming, rains keep falling, and this was something new. It doesn't matter. After some time the weather will change. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came, which mixed everything, then water started pouring, the rain was so intense as if Asan had opened all its doors. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) said to the believers: Get on the boat.

Allah said that all kinds of animals should also be taken in the boat. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) obeyed the command of Allah and every animal was tied. All the animals were locked in a million places in the boat. The storm started pouring rain and flooded the river and the ground. Then water started flowing in every part of the earth, now Noah's ship started floating, and the water was getting higher. Now leave the disbelievers." So the son replied I will climb to the top of the mountain, and the water will not reach there.

Then Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) recommended to Allah about his son that my son is drowning, he belongs to my family, your promise is true. Allah said that he is not from your family, your house They are those who believe in you. According to traditions, the rain continued for forty days continuously. Everything that was on earth was drowned. The work of the disbelievers was finished, those who believed in Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) got into the boat and were saved. The boat went to Koh Jodi and stayed. While everyone was on board the boat, which is also called Ararat, Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) saw a woman. There was an olive tree leaf in its beak, it was a symbol of peace and tranquility, meaning that the water has receded. Mount Jodi or Ararat is in eastern Turkey. It is sixteen thousand and nine feet high and is covered with snow. The border of Russia also meets it. This mountain was considered impregnable, but in 1929, the German physicist Jon Jacob

After two unsuccessful attempts, he succeeded. Some time ago, due to the fall of thousands of years of ice, a part of the Ark came out of the ice. Many aviators took its picture. According to another piece of information, in 1929, archaeologist Al-Qadeema Wali and his partner discovered traces of Noah's storm at a place near A in Iraq. According to the tradition of the Bible book of Genesis, the event of Noah's storm is related to the Tigris and Euphrates valleys. How many ancient languages ​​were discovered in Iraq? Among them, a great storm is mentioned in detail. One expert has claimed that he has found traces of Noah's storm in the lowest level of Shahzar. In the inspired books of Christians and Jews, Ararat is mentioned about Noah's storm. has come. It is written in the Bible that on the seventh day of the seventh month, Noah's ark came to a mountain called Ararat.

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