World History

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Monday 10 October 2022

Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him)

When man first set foot on the earth, before sending a man into the world, God created everything for man to live. Air, water, fire, and earth were among the basic needs of man. Without them, man could not live. Food was also necessary for the formation of strength in the human body. Therefore, Allah created flowers, fruits, green plants, and plants. Trees. This created high mountains, gushing springs, gushing rivers, barren seas, moon, sun, and stars to create everything necessary for human life. Other than that, a person needed other things. Comfort and convenience Also create files. Iron, silver, oil, coal, and gases are among the countless treasures and resources hidden in the earth and sky. These are all things a person needs. To discover it, someone with intelligence and knowledge was needed to seek out all these hidden and hidden objects, make them useful, give them the ability to understand, and then send them to the world. The first human is Adam. The human race started with Adam (a.s) and all people started with Hz. Allah announced his intention to create Adam (as) and said to the angels: "I will create my caliph on earth." The angels objected to this and said. Are you the creator of man on earth? Man will cause corruption on earth and shed blood. We describe your purity and thank you for your worship

God said. You don't know what I know. Then Allah made a statue of Adam (a.s) with His own hand, then adorned it and gave it the appropriate shape, and beautified every part of his body. This mud bungalow, God break your soul. Then God asked the angels to name things if you were right. The angels answered: I don't know, you know, we only know what you taught us, you know and bless you, God said to Adam. "O Adam, tell these angels their names. When God told Adam the names of everything, Adam knew everything. When Adam mentioned their names, God said to the angels:

Didn't I tell you that I know what is hidden in the heavens and the earth and what they reveal and hide? All the angels prostrated to Adam, but the devil refused to prostrate to Adam, who was arrogant.

He asked Allah from me: What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you? The devil said, you created man from clay, you created me from fire.

Meaning of Satan: Disappointment and despair, so it was said that those who despair of God yield to the devil, and those tempted by Satan and Satan are those of weak courage responsible for their duties. They don't give money and they humiliate. When Iblis refused to prostrate, God Almighty said: "Get down from the sky, because you are arrogant and despicable." Hz. Adam, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon you, O Adam, he ordered you and your wife to be in Paradise, to be fed freely of all you can eat, and pointing to a certain tree, he said, "If you don't go." to that tree.” You will be called the tyrant.”Thus, Adam and Bibi Eve began to live comfortably, then the devil gave a delusion to their hearts that their Lord forbade them from approaching this tree, so that they would not live forever. You're both fine. "After Adam and Eve were deceived by the devil, they tasted the back of the tree, so both of them were deprived of the heavenly garments and the heavenly garments slipped from their bodies, and their Lord embraced them. He called them and said: Did I not prevent you both from approaching this tree and saying that the devil is your enemy? Adam asked Allah's forgiveness and prayed: O Lord, we have wronged ourselves, if you do not have mercy on us and forgive us, we will be among the losers. They will be enemies of each other and until a certain time, you both have to stay on earth. If he leaves, the life of this world will be difficult for him and he will be resurrected blind on the Day of Resurrection.

 When Adam (a.s.) descended from heaven and descended to earth, he was deprived of hearing the words of the pure angels, so his heart was grieved, prayed, and said, “I have been deprived of the group of angels. Thereupon, Allah Almighty said: "Go to Mecca, build my house in it, perform circumambulation and pray." Thereupon, Gabriel went to Mecca with Amin and built the Kaaba there, prayed, and circumambulated. We learn from the event. Let it be a lesson for Adam (May Allah protect him and give him peace) not to do what Allah forbade, but to do what Allah orders: to worship.

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