World History

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Thursday 27 October 2022

The Story of Prophet Samuel (peace be upon him)

Story of Prophet Samuel  (peace be upon him)

Story of Prophet Shammil/Samuel (pbuh)

Story of Prophet Samuel  (peace be upon him)

 During this time, Allah sent Hazrat Samuel (peace be upon him) as a prophet. He called the people to religion and exhorted them to do good deeds. He was the Hafiz of the night. felt The people begged Hazrat Shmuel (peace be upon him) that if we are overwhelmed by the powerful, they would shed our blood, make us homeless, enslave our children, and take advantage of our weakness, Amalek took away the coffin from us.

 We could not do anything, we want to be strong enough to bring back the Ark of Sakina from them Wanted to cause a lot of damage but could not succeed. The definition of the Sakina coffin is that in addition to the Torah, this coffin contained the blessings of Prophet Haroon, so it was considered a sacred asset. The Israelites asked Shmuel to appoint a king for us so that we can establish our kingdom and subdue the enemies by fighting under the king's guidance. Hazrat Samuel said to them that I doubt that If you are ordered to Jihad, you are not ready for Jihad. Hazrat Samuel (peace be upon him) said to the people of Bani Israel that Allah Almighty will appoint Talut as their king. The Bani Israel used to say that Talut was a poor and humble man. Hazrat Samuel (peace be upon him) said that Talut has knowledge and power, Allah loves those who have knowledge and power, and he said that what is the sign of his kingdom. Hazrat Samuel said that Talut is strong and he alone will take the coffin from Amalek.

Talut is coming with an army to fight

After that, Samuel went to Talut and said that God has appointed him as the king of the Israelites, to fight Goliath and bring the coffin from Amalek. Talut prepares for battle, gathers the people to join the battle, and says, Goliath is cruel, we will fight him and take Sakina's coffin. "Why don't you do Jihad?" Many people went to Talut to join the Jihad. And to participate in Jihad Talut knew that the people of Bani Israel are cowardly. 

Talut said to them that I know that your morale is low. Because you have to go through a tough test, those who pass this test will be able to fight the enemy. Talut said to those going to Jihad that when you go to fight the enemy, you will see that there is a canal flowing on the way, you people will feel thirsty after seeing the water, and those who will drink the water of this canal will not be able to support us. Yes, if you want to clear your throat, let's drink it fully, then there is no harm They were defeated and returned back. Those whose faith was firm, they set out with Talut. On the way, they found a canal. Some people could not bear the thirst. He remained in the army of Talut and set the path to fight the enemy, he firmly believed in Allah and was a believer. Goliath had received information that Talut was coming to fight with his army, so he also went to fight with his army from his place. And reached the battlefield when Goliath and Talut faced each other It was seen that Goliath's army is in large numbers. Some of the Israelis from Talbot's army got scared and said to Talbot that Goliath has brought a heavy army and we cannot fight him. We are very weak compared to them. Talut sent them away after hearing this. Those who had believed did not leave Talut's side. They believed that victory and defeat were in the hands of Allah. They remained silent. Talut prayed to Allah, "O Allah, keep our feet steady and grant us patience and victory over the disbelievers." give

Goliath came with full preparation and addressed a single man of Bani Israel In the army of Talut, there was Hazrat Dawood, who was still a young child and had not come to fight because of his youth. As soon as Goliath was killed, the feet of Goliath's army left the field and began to flee. Seeing the courage and bravery of Hazrat Dawood, a wave of happiness spread among the Israelites. Dawood became everyone's favorite. When David reached the age of maturity, God made him a prophet, and God blessed him with the title of Caliph.

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