World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Thursday 27 October 2022

Prophet Sulayman (Peace be upon him) Story

 Prophet Sulayman (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Sulayman [Solomon] (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Sulayman  (Peace be upon him)

Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) was a prophet of Allah and also a king. You were the son of Hazrat Dawood. He inherited the throne after his father's death and he had a ring in which Allah had placed a special quality. It was lost, it was to be reduced that you lost the throne, which led to the loss of power.

This ring was put into Satan's hand and after some time it fell from Satan's hand.

This ring was put in the hand of the devil and after some time it fell away from the hand of the devil The ring became a net for fish, once the fishermen cast a net in the river to catch fish, it also returned to the past, the fishermen took it to the market and sold it. The servants of Hazrat Sulayman bought the fish. The fish was touched. When the fish was brought to the palace to be cleaned, when the belly was opened, a missing shell was found in it. The fate of Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) woke up thanks to the ring, and he again became the heir to the kingdom.

It is said that the name Azam was engraved on the ring. The jinn was also subject to him, he used to take most of his work from the jinn, Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) had such amazing qualities that no king nor Someone will be lucky until the Day of Judgment. Once Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah that those who came after me should not be blessed with such a government. Your prayer was accepted, and you started to rule over humans, jinns, animals, and air.

Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) built a house of worship in Palestine according to the wishes of his father Hazrat Dawud (peace be upon him). Although Hazrat Dawood (A.S.) intended to become an old man in his life, his wish was not fulfilled in his life. However, they worship according to his will The place of the house was chosen. After Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him), Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) built a house of worship during his reign. That is why this place of worship got the name "Hail Sulaymani".

The construction of Michael Soleimani took place in 012 L. The construction work lasted for seven years. According to tradition, a huge number of people participated in the construction work. According to some traditions, 200,000 Israeli workers worked What is surprising in the tradition is that the jinn also took part during the construction. They used to pick stones from distant places and pick them in the wall.

From history, it is known that this synagogue was ninety feet in length, four feet in width, and forty-five feet in height. A special place was made inside it where the coffin was kept. It was in the shape of an ark or it was an ark. It was considered very blessed, even by the Jews Blessings were placed.

Some of its statements are found in the Holy Qur'an, that is, when this blessed ark left the hands of Israel, the angels were guarding it There were signs of peace be upon him. That's why the box was considered very blessed for them. According to tradition, Essay Moi was also in the same box. This staff was given to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) by Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him).

Among them were the stone tablets which were given by Allah Almighty to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) on Sina. There were also manuscripts of antiquities. When Talut became king of the Israelites, the ark again came into the hands of the Israelites. Talut had to fight to get the coffin from Sakina. This war The infidels were fought. In this battle, Talut prayed to Allah Almighty to grant me the ability to be patient, keep me steadfast and give me victory over the infidels.

History has proven that Palestine has been attacked in all ages. Even though Bahl was destroyed and the Romans attacked, the ancient name of Iraq was Babylon. Whosoever attacked Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) worshiped the old man Soleimani's temple was also targeted. Once the king of Babylon, Bakht Nasr, attacked Palestine and looted the Temple of Sulayman and massacred the Israelites. Bakht Nasr took a million Jews from Palestine to Iraq and enslaved them there. Of Bakht Nasr After the covenant, this nation settled in Palestine again. Ravi also frequently attacked Palestine.


Whatever traces of Solomon's temple were there were destroyed under the influence of sentences. Finally, the king of Rome set fire to Solomon's temple and completely destroyed it. Even the fog sign of its existence was destroyed. The Jews claim that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on the land of the Soleimani Temple. Therefore, it is owned by the Jews. Even today this conflict remains an issue. Because of this, the war continues on the land of Beit al-Maqdis until today Aqsa Mosque They are trying to kill him.

 Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) had complete faith in Allah and trusted in Allah in every matter. Two travelers came to him and said we are hungry, if you have food, give it to us so that we can eat and satisfy our hunger. We will pay for the food. The old woman was very poor, she said, I have some wheat, I will grind it and bring it, you wait for a while, after some time when the old woman was pulling it, a strong wind started blowing in the path, the flour flew away and the old woman's hands were empty. The old man cried Started, it is a matter of coincidence that Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) met him on the way. You were young at that time, so you inquired about the reason for crying, so she said that I was bringing wheat after grinding it, and the wind blew up to Ampa and the flour flew away. He said, "Is there anything to cry about? My father is the king. Go cry to him." The old woman went to Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) with a cry, Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) said: What can I do? That two sacks of grain should be handed over to the elder. By taking grains On her way back, she met Sulayman again. You inquired with the old man, and he told you that the king had given you two sacks of grain, which I am going to take. Hazrat Sulayman told her to go back to the king again and request that I should come to the one who had been blown away by the wind. Was told.

The king got worried after hearing the words of the elder and thought how should I say this to the air He replied that he met a young boy on the way and told him the whole story, so he sent me to teach him. Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) understood that no one else could talk like this except Solomon. He called Sulayman into the court and inquired how can I take the flour from the air, it is impossible for me. Solomon said to the king you are a prophet and also a king, If I pray, the same flour can come back Allah sent the wind in human form to you, Hazrat Dawood Ali Salaam inquired why the old man's flour was blown away by the wind replied that this was the order of Allah. Then Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) from the air Asked to tell us what is known about it, he would have narrated the whole incident He said. 

A boat is coming into the sea, in which some traders are sitting. The merchants sitting in the boat prayed to God that "O God if the boat is saved from sinking, we will present half of it to the court of King David so that he can distribute it among the poor." His prayer was accepted, and he said that he had been ordered to blow the flour of this old man and close the hole of the boat. I came and presented half of the wealth to be distributed among the poor. Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) divided the wealth into two parts and gave one part to the elder and praised Solomon because through his efforts the secret of God's favor was known.

Queen of Saba

Queen of Saba

Saba was the name of a country. Perhaps Saba was the name of Yemen in ancient times. It is difficult to say. There was a woman who ruled in the country Saba The court of Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) was set up, and there were all kinds of wild birds in this court, but Hudhud was not present among these animals. They were looking for the limit. By the end, everyone was present. Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) inquired about the reason for his absence for so long. Hudhud told that there is a woman who rules the country, she does not believe in the religion of Allah, she is a fire worshiper, and she has a large army. She lives in a majestic palace, and numerous slaves are always present for her service. Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) listened carefully to Hud Hud's words and said, "I want to know what you say Whether it is true or false, he wrote a rak'ah in the name of the Queen of Saba.

This letter is from Solomon. I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful. Do not be arrogant and disobedient to your kingdom. First, pledge to obey Allah, then come to me.

He handed over the letter to Hudhud and said, "Put this letter in front of him." Hudhud did so.

And read it and asked them for their opinion that what should be done now, all the people present in the court unanimously said, we are strong, so there is no need to be afraid. "We have the power to resist Solomon," Queen Saba said. If they did not accept our gift, then I will think that they are prophets, prophets do not have a lust for wealth and wealth, if they accepted the gift, then I will think that they are only kings. Afraid that kings enter the country They destroy everything. Thinking about this, the queen sent gifts and gifts. The servant came to the service of Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) with the gifts. He said that it is not in my aim that the queen understood, I do not lack wealth and luxury. God has given me a lot. I want the queen to come to me obeying my order. If she refuses to come to me, I will come with an army. The queen will have to bear the shame. delivered to The queen and started preparing for departure.

When you got the news of the Queen's departure, you asked the jinns who could bring the queen here. One of them said that I can bring the queen in the blink of an eye. He brought the queen of Saba, Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) thanked Allah and ordered that the shape of this throne be changed. That's it.

Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) amazingly built his palace with great wisdom. The floor of the palace was made of glass. Under the floor, water was flowing in a canal. Floors of Sabile But when she was about to put her foot down, she stepped back and lifted her paws up. A servant saw the queen's movement and said that this water is visible, but it is not water, but the floor. There is no need to lift the paws The queen was stunned to see this and said. "O Lord, I have wronged my soul. I believe in Solomon's words. Allah is the Lord of the universe."

Queen Saba believed in Hazrat Sulaiman and married him. Once, Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) was passing through the road with his heavy army. Ants were walking on that road. Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) Seeing the ride of Salam, the leader of the ants warned the ants and said that Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) is passing with his army, lest you all come under the feet of Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) and his companions and get trampled. Get inside the bills for your safety. Hearing this talk of the ants, Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) smiled and thanked God.

It is said that Hazrat Sulayman (peace be upon him) died in a strange condition. When the staff jumped and licked, he fell down, that's when the jinn Charand and the bird came to know about his death.

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