World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Friday 21 October 2022

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)[Peace be upon him]

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)[Peace be upon him]

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)[Peace be upon him]

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)[Peace be upon him]

 Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) lived in Canaan, a region of Syria, and he had twelve sons. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was also among them. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was very beautiful and virtuous, and because of his goodness and obedience, Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) loved him very much. One of the brothers of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was named Bin Yamin. Hazrat Yusuf and Bin Yameen were close brothers and the other ten brothers were one hundred and fifty.

One night, Hazrat Yusuf had a strange dream. He narrated his dream to his father, Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him). What kind of dream is this? Although every particle of the universe prostrates to Allah, He is also worthy of it.

The father heard his son's dream and said: O Yusuf, I have a good dream. Allah will grant you great honor, but you cannot mention to your brothers that your brothers are enmity with you. Allah will grant you Prophethood, just like Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and your grandfather in your family Hazrat Ishaq (peace be upon him) was made, you are very lucky. After hearing the dream, Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) began to love his son Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) very much, his other brothers did not have that quality. The brothers saw that Hazrat Yusuf was very close to his father, and the fire of jealousy flared up in their hearts of the brothers. It was considered powerful, it was considered a symbol of victory, and it was considered a symbol of family strength and victory If it happened or if any trouble came, he would succeed by using his strength. And if there was a war, he would have won, that's why Yusuf's brothers said that we are the owners of physical strength and are also brave. We can also come in handy in times of need. However, our father does not want us, our father is at fault, and Yusuf is much weaker than us. Want, in their eyes Yusuf is everything, we are nothing, what should we do for him.

One day it happened that all the brothers gathered in one place for advice and everyone expressed their opinions and thoughts  One of them said that Yusuf should be killed, and the other said that it is not good to kill him, but he should be thrown into a blind well in such a case that anyone can see. They all agreed that he would take him and said that this is better. We will be approved by the father, we will get the love of the father, and everyone said the same thing.

So one-day Yusuf's half-brothers said to their father. "Father, we will go for a walk, we will all play there,  and entertain our hearts. Send Yusuf with us. He will stay with us. His heart will also have fun." said dad. "My heart does not want to let Yusuf out of my sight."

The wives said to the father, "Don't you trust us? We want Yusuf very much and we love him. We will take care of him and take him with us.". The father said to his sons, 'If you take the people, I will be sad. Take it. The son said, "We will not remain in neglect, we are all together, I will go for a walk together, while we are all together. How will we take it?"

Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) and the well

The father said to his sons, "Take Yusuf and bring him along. I will wait. My eyes will long to see." Everyone took permission from the father, took Yusuf with them, and walked towards the unknowing place. The place was deserted. They continued to set the path. A well was seen in the distance. One of the brothers pointed to the well. They talked among themselves. They took off Yusuf's shirt and pushed Yusuf into the well. Yusuf's love But no cover came, after that, he killed an animal and dyed Yusuf's shirt with its blood. It turned red with blood. It was dark.

Everyone came to the father and said that while playing we started a race to see who would go first, Yusuf did not participate in the race, we all made him sit to guard the equipment, saying that everyone pretended to be. He started crying so that his father would believe, then Yusuf was sitting alone near the luggage when suddenly a boy or a nurse picked him up from some side. We all ran together to save Yusuf, but we were too late and could not reach This made Yusuf's blood dirty. Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) said to his boys, "I do not believe what you people are saying, it is a lie. I ask Allah for help to grant me patience." 

 Hazrat Yaqub used to cry in memory of Yusuf's stay The brothers threw Yusuf into the well and he came back. By the grace of God, a caravan of merchants was passing through the same road where the well was. The person reached the well as soon as he poured the bucket, he saw that there was no water in the well and a boy was shouting. He informed his companions, and they all came together and pulled Yusuf out of the well. They were all surprised What is the matter, everyone was wondering why he fell inside the well after fighting? In ancient times, human beings used to be bought and sold. Whoever bought a man would keep him as a slave and make him work hard and even torture him. So this caravan was going from Madinah to Egypt. The caravans said to each other. That he would get a lot of profit by selling this boy, then they took Yusuf to Egypt. It is said that the king of Egypt had a minister called Aziz Misr. In Egypt, he had all the powers after the king.

He also had the treasury department, much less than the caravans. Purchased by payment. Aziz Misr didn't even have any children, so this was a good opportunity for him. He also wanted to have children. Aziz Misr and his wife started raising him. I got full powers, it seemed that this is the real son of Aziz Misr, he was brought up like a child. Hazrat Yusuf started helping Aziz Misr with some tasks. There was also a change in Atwar He also received training in administrative affairs, and was exemplary in virtue and piety. Allah had given beauty and beauty, the woman who looked at him was seduced, and the intention of the wife of Hati Aziz Misr was also corrupted, although she had brought him up like a son, she had forgotten, when she saw Yusuf, she kept seeing She wanted Yusuf to be in front of her all the time. Aziz Misr's wife's name was Zuleikha, Zuleikha encouraged Yusuf to be close to her.

What does Zulekha want Yusuf to realize and started to back away and said That the protection of God cannot be done by him is a complete sin. One day Zulekha called Hazrat Yusuf to the room and closed the door and expressed his wish. Yusuf said that I am under the protection of my Lord, then he left the room. When he ran towards the door to get out of the house, Zalikha also ran to catch him from behind and touched his leg, so he was shocked. Coincidentally, Aziz Misr was also coming. Seeing him face to face, Zalikha lied. He started saying that Yusuf's intention was not good, he wanted to misbehave with me, and I ran. Yusuf replied that I am innocent, and Zalekha is slandering me. Aziz Misr said to Yusuf I brought you up as my children, but you did not reward him well. Zalikha asked Aziz Misr to imprison him and severely punish him for the rest of his life. A man of this family understood everything, he did not believe in what Zalikha said, he was aware of her mood and habits, although this was the first incident in Zalikha's life, Yusuf's beauty captivated his heart. Wisely, Aziz calmed Misr's anger. He said that if Yusuf's kurta was torn from the front, Yusuf is guilty. Aziz Misr saw that Yusuf's kurta was torn from the back The meaning is that Yusuf was running away, and Zalekha grabbed him and pulled him, Hazrat Yusuf was a prophet of Allah, he was righteous and pure, he was not inclined towards sin. Sacrifice, what is the interest of Allah that Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was born in a common family, but he was brought up in the royal palace, and he was a descendant of Pharaoh.

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was also born in a common family and was brought up by Aziz Egypt. He was also bereft of children. Allah, the Exalted, forgives someone in a high position, then changes his mood and environment beforehand. Aziz Misr did not say anything else to Yusuf but began to curse Zulekha. After all, what quality is there in Yusuf that you are inclined towards him? then called Yusuf to the assembly of women. As soon as Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) saw all the women present in the assembly, they fainted. Done. Zalekha replied I will put you all to the test, the test I have gone through. So one day, the wife of Aziz Misr called all the women for a meal or the women came to the assembly and placed a fruit and a knife in front of everyone to eat and Cut their own fingers. The fingers started bleeding. Zalikha said to the women who said bad things, what has happened to all of you that you Consciously in the canal, instead of cutting the fruit, they cut their own fingers, the women said, "Mashallah, this is not a human being, it is an angel. Seeing this, we lost our senses."

Zalikha said that all you women were bent on defaming me, now why did you all become like this, instead of cutting the fruit, you saw and cut your fingers. Zalikha said to the woman that I tried to pull her towards me. But he escaped from me, if he does not listen to me, I will imprison him. Yusuf said:
"O Lord, I like imprisonment, but I do not like to go near him. O Lord, only you can save me, if I come near him, I will be among the ignorant."
Allah saved Yusuf. When Zalekha became more infamous, Yusuf also refused to come close, so Yusuf was put in prison.

The goodness of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was talked about in the whole city, every woman knew that Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) was in prison and he used to mention Allah and invite people to goodness in the prison. When Yusuf was in prison So after them two more new prisoners also came to prison One person was the one who served the king with wine, and the other prisoner was the kitchen officer. Both of them had committed a sin, so the king punished him. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) used to show the people the right path and explain the command of Allah, so the people in the prison had a devotion to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him), and they knew that. One of the two people said to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) that I saw in a dream that I was giving wine to the king. I have seen bread placed on my head and while eating the bread is placed on my head, Also explain the meaning. Before telling the interpretation of the dream, Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said to them that you people worship idols besides Allah. You guys are on the wrong track. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said that my father is Hazrat Yaqub, my grandfather Ishaq and great-grandfather Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Our fathers and great-grandfathers were prophets sent by Allah who believed in only one Allah and did not associate anyone with Allah. We all have the grace of Allah but many people are not thankful. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). He preached to the elders and told them good things. Yusuf's words had a great impact on the hearts of the prisoners. Both the prisoners believed in Allah and said: Leave the religion of your fathers and follow the religion of your fathers Bring faith. Then both of them said to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) we will also tell you the interpretation of the dream that we have seen, whatever you tell us will be sold. He will give wine to his master and he who has loaves on his head and the birds are eating the loaves will ascend the pillar. You said to the king's cupbearer when you are freed and will be employed by the king and will serve him wine, at that time you should recommend me to the king that I am innocent and release me. When the person left, he forgot everything that Yusuf had said. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) remained in prison for a long time, serving the punishment for a sin he did not commit. He was helpless and helpless. There was no hope of release. It was their usual practice to show the remembrance of Allah. One day the king said to his companions and ministers I have seen such a dream, if any of you can explain it, tell me. The companions told the king that he should describe his dream, maybe we will Let me explain.

The king said, "I saw in a dream that seven Delhi cows were eating seven fat cows, seven ears of grain were green and fresh, and seven dry ears were eating but the dry ears were eating green hair. How can Delhi cows eat fat cows?" What does it mean that the earring was eating dried earring?
The companions said that they were unable to tell the interpretation of this dream, these words reached the king who served wine. When he heard it, he remembered the words of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). He told the king everything about Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). He explained something and said that only Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) can tell the interpretation of this dream. They are in jail serving their sentence.

The servant who served wine to Udshah said you should send me to Yusuf and I will come to find out the meaning of it. The king gave him permission. He went to Yusuf and told him about the king's dream. Seven cows in Delhi, those seven fat cows are eating, along with dry hair, green and fresh hair, O Yusuf, tell me the meaning of this dream, you are good and a child. Maybe, the king will have mercy on you and release you from prison. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said: There will be good grain in the country for seven years and the next seven years will not be good. The grain will not be produced, and there will be a famine. The grain that will be produced within seven years will have to be saved as well as eaten. This grain has to be kept in the ears so that it does not spoil. So the first seven years will be good, during this time it will be good. It will rain, the land will be fertile and the grain will be abundant. When the servant told the king what Yusuf had said, the king fell into thought and said. I want to free Yusuf from prison I am Bringing Yusuf to me so I can find out more, Yusuf seems to be an intelligent and good person. When the servant reached Yusuf and gave the king's message, Yusuf said to the servant. I want justice. After all, for what crime I was put in prison and told about Zulekha that he tried to call me close to me and threatened me a lot, but I refused to fall into his trap. Saved me from sin, the women who came to Zalekha cut their fingers as soon as they saw me Sin and I am pure, I have not committed any betrayal, Allah does not like those who betray, I do not want to disgrace anyone, I am living according to the command of Allah. The butler heard Joseph's words, and went and told the king the whole incident.
The king called Zulekha and other women to find out the real reason. Zulekha told the king the truth and said that I tried a lot to invite Yusuf to sin, but Yusuf sold me and left, believe me. It was said that he is righteous and pure. When the king asked the other women about the reason for the biting of the fingers, the women said Allah We have not seen such a handsome young man till today, when we saw him, we all lost our senses and cut our fingers in ecstasy. Yusuf is not human, he is an angel, Yusuf is good and innocent. After finding out the truth and the cause of the biting of the fingers from Zulekha and other women, the king ordered that bring Yusuf to me, I will give him a place in my special companions and make him my helper in certain tasks to facilitate the work of the government. be So Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) went to the king. The king spoke to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) and said, "I am aware of all the events. I will give you special honor.
I have complete trust in you, you interpreted the dream that there will be a good harvest in the first seven years and famine in the next seven years, I want to give the management of the grain in your hands.

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) agreed and said that he will do this job well so that the people in the country remain happy and there is no shortage of grain. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) took over the food department. By saving it, when there was no production in the next seven years, by providing grain to the people from the stored grain, the country was saved from famine. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) took the place of Aziz Misr and began to rule. Due to the lack of grain in the Canaan region of the country of Syria, the inhabitants of Canaan suffered a famine They were also worried and started reaching Egypt to buy grain. Ten of the eleven sons of Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) also arrived in Egypt to buy grain and met Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) while introducing himself, his father's name was Yaqoob (peace be upon him) and whose The brother could not come, he said his name was Bin Yamin, upon his saying, Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) understood that it was my brother who had pushed me into the well. He began to miss his brother Bin Yameen. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said to them that you have come to ten people I will give only the share of you people. There is also a shortage of grain here. They said that our father is not able to come. He is old. Also, give the share of brother Bin Yameen. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said that my father is not able to come. So there is no question, but now it is time to bring my brother Bin Yamin with me as soon as I will give the grain and also give the father's share. 

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) gave them grain and also received money from them as a price. When those people started to store grain to take away, Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) put the money that he had taken from them in exchange for grain in the grain store of the slaves, and the caravan left with the grain. The sons of Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) came home with grain to get grain In the young man's time, Beti informed his father, and also informed that according to the order of St. Egypt, he would receive the grain of everyone's share, provided that he took our brother Bin Yameen with us. The father said, "O people, they took Yusuf but they did not bring him back. I still remember him. I will give my son Bin Yameen to you. I cannot do that. I cannot trust you now. The real protector is Allah.
Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) opened the store of grain brought by the cats and found the money that had been given in exchange for the grain. He said to the father that it is a matter of great happiness that the money that was paid for the purchase was found and the grain came free. You send Bin Yameen with us and we will bring grain, otherwise, we will not get a single grain of grain. It is also necessary to obey the order of Aziz Misr. We will all protect Bin Yameen. The father said I don't believe in you people. Because of your words, I have lost Yusuf. Now you people have followed Bin Yamin. The sons said, "We assure you that we will protect Bin Yameen more than our own lives." The father heard their words and said, "If you swear that you will bring Bin Yameen safely, it is another thing that you will be in trouble." Home go The sons swore and said that we will definitely come with Bin Yameen, then Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) said to the sons that whatever God does, I trust in Him, I have no power, he advised the sons. 

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)[Peace be upon him]

That you all should not enter through the same door, but go through separate doors. Trust in Allah alone complied with. So all the brothers came to Egypt with Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). The brothers met and said that we have brought Bin Yameen along with them on this journey. Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) called Bin Yameen quietly and said I am his brother. . Bin Yamin kept these things a secret and did not tell the brothers. Yusuf gave grain to everyone, the grain that came to Bin Yameen's share, the king's cup was placed in this grain by the slaves and sent everyone away. Calling the people of the caravan, he said you are all thieves, you people have stolen the king's cup  These people said we are not thieves, we have not stolen anything, we all eat you Ready for, said the men of Aziz Egypt. "We will search, whoever is found with a cup in his luggage, we will stop him as a punishment. This is our rule here. They all agreed, and said, "I will do the same and search. So the man of Aziz Egypt searched and found a cup kept in Bin Yameen's belongings." The men of Aziz Egypt said that this is the thief. We will not let him go. You people are allowed to go None of them agreed to go home without Ben Yameen, pleading with the dear Misr that we had all come with a promise to our father.Bin Yamin will be brought along. Our father is very old. He will not be able to bear the shock. What face will we show him? Any one of us is willing to stop for Binyamin. We will bear the punishment for Bin Yamin's guilt.

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said, "Why is it possible to commit the crime by someone else? If someone else is punished, only the guilty one will be punished. If we catch the innocent, then we will be counted among the oppressors." Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). Hearing these words from the mouth of Salam, all the brothers were very worried and started consulting among themselves. One of them said that we have come with a promise to our father. What will be our fate? We all know how we treated Yusuf. The elder of them said, "I will not go back until I take Bin Yameen with me or our father orders us." Do not give or may Allah make it easier for you guys to go and explain the whole story to your father and say that there is no fault of ours. I became a thief and turned out to be invisible. Allah only knows that the people returned and narrated the incident of theft to their father and blamed Bin Yameen as the thief. After hearing their words, the father said that what you guys are saying seems to be fabricated, only Allah knows better. being patient Yes, I was already suffering from Yusuf's grief, and now Bin Yameen's grief has affected me 

It has made it even worse. The father said to his sons, "Go and find Yusuf and his brother. Not to despair of Allah is disbelief. On the father's advice, these people came to Egypt and met Aziz Egypt and said, O Aziz Egypt, we Everyone is very worried. The father has become blind. Whatever we had was empty, we have come to give us grain. When Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) heard the trouble of the family, he became anxious and said, "You people have killed Yusuf and his family." How you behaved with your brother, all this happened because of your ignorance. 
The brothers were shocked and said, "Are you, Yusuf?" They replied You are right. I am Yusuf and this is my brother. Allah has given me the rank and made money on me. He is the most merciful who is patient in adversity.

The brothers said, "We have made a big mistake, Allah has given you a great task, and we are ashamed of it." Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) replied, "I forgive you all, I do not change, Allah." Berar is the team and Kareem, Allah is the Most Forgiving.

He said: Take my dress and say my greetings to my father and put the Mir Ajama on my father's head. Allah will restore his sight. Yes, I command you all to come and be with me. The sons of Hazrat Yaqoob (peace be upon him) left Egypt and were setting Biafra. Hazrat Yaqoob (peace be upon him) said to the people I smell Yusuf, I am sure that Mir Yusuf will be found by me. That I am speaking delusionally because of my old age. People heard the words of Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) and said that this is all your illusion, Yusuf is living in your heart. that is why Thoughts are arising in your heart, people did not pay attention to Hazrat Yaqoob's words, when the caravan approached, he said, "Now I am going to get good news."

When Yaqub's son reached home, he put the cloth given by Yusuf on his father's head, and his eyes lit up, Hazrat Yaqub started seeing everyone with his eyes. The sons revealed all the things about Yusuf to their father, and the father was happy and said that I did not say that Yusuf would be found by me. Allah has given me knowledge of things that I do not know. The sons said to the father, Father, forgive our sins, we have sinned. 

Hazrat Yaqoob consoled and said, "O my son, I will forgive your sins from my Lord, He is the greatest forgiver." Hazrat Yaqoob arrived in Egypt with his sons, Hazrat Yusuf welcomed his family and his parents. He sat on the throne with honor in his arm. Hazrat Yusuf was the ruler of Egypt. All brothers bowed before Yusuf. He took me out, and he gave me the rulership. It is the greatest favor of Allah. The devil had created a rift among the brothers, he had created hatred and obstinacy in the hearts, but Allah had mercy on us all, and we all got together.

Hazrat Yusuf prayed to Allah and said, "My Lord, teach me the things that I did not know, O Creator of the earth and the sky, you are the greatest creator. You have given me a large part of the kingdom, i.e. I have full authority." He gave me the knowledge of the interpretation of dreams, O my Lord, take me from the world in a state of complete obedience and include me among the special righteous servants.

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