World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Wednesday 19 October 2022

Story of Prophet Ismail (Hazrat Ismail) -

        Story of Prophet Ismael (Hazrat Ismail) - 

Story of Prophet Ismael (Hazrat Ismail) -

Story of Prophet Ismael (Hazrat Ismail) - 

 The Holy Quran mentions Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) and he mentioned Ismail in this book. He was born in Gibron, which is called Ferishte (Palestine) in 2074 BC. When Ismail was a child, the Lord of the universe said to Ibrahim Khalilullah. "O Khalil, we do want to build the Kaaba, you have been appointed for this sacred work, we identify this place, you purify and settle it, this place is for circumambulation and prostration. Now leave the son and wife in this desolate place. The details are as follows. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) emigrated from his homeland Iraq at the age of 75 and came to the country of Canaan (Fastin). You are accompanied by your brother Hazrat Lot and your wife Hazrat Sarah was also there, Hazrat Sarah had no first child, so this family was a family of children You have been deprived of blessings and you have been very disappointed by this deprivation. He prayed to his Lord. "O Lord, give me a righteous son." He left his homeland to spread the true religion, teach good deeds and prevent evil.

While the Prophet (PBUH) was in Egypt, Hz. Ibrahim (a.s.) was related to the family that ruled Egypt at that time. him) entered Egypt, where the king was proud and greeted him with great respect. At that time, his wife, Mr. Sara was also with her, the king respected Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) very much and respected him very much, she said that it was better for my daughter to live. A slave in this house, a queen in another? 

Hazrat Hajar became pregnant in the first year.

A religious book mentions this event as follows: "The angel of the Lord said to him, 'I will multiply your children until they cannot be counted because of the abundance.'" He said, "You are pregnant and you will have a son, and you will name him Ishmael because God has become your sorrow." It is mentioned in the Holy Quran as follows: "We gave him (Hazrat Ibrahim) the good news of a learned boy."

Hazrat Sarah had no firstborn, that's why Sarah's heart was sad, she was disappointed, she was very shocked, because of which her mind became angry. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) Hazrat Hajra left the people in the place. After his return, Hagar kept eating dates and drinking the water of Mushkiza and kept feeding the baby in dates and the water of Mushkiza. Gaya, due to lack of adequate food and water, Sayyida Hajra had also become weak, the milk in her breast had also dried up, so the child was also deprived of milk and was suffering from hunger when there was no food and water. So You are very worried. You keep running around and climb the mountain and look around Run so that even if someone is seen, even if you go down from the mountain, you will climb another mountain, in this way seven times in the race on the hills of Safa and Marwah. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "In remembrance of this act of Hazrat Hajra, people Running between Safa and Marwah. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas narrates that when Hazrat Hajra climbed the hill of Marwa for the last time, she heard an unknown voice as if someone was saying, she became one and started meditating.

O man, you have raised your voice, can you hear my cry and do something for me? Then Hazrat Hajra saw Hazrat Gabriel digging the ground with his heel or arm near Nathe Ismail. Even water was coming out of it. Hazrat Hajar started to fill water in her kettle, as soon as she filled the water, Hanabi Karim said after boiling the water:

Prophet Ismail (Peace be upon him)

May God have mercy on Ismail's mother, if she had left Zam Zam in this state, the Zam Zam fountain would have flowed. He surrounded it by adding flowers: "God gave Zamzam water to Seyyed and Bajar, which had such an effect in this water." It was said that it not only quenches thirst but also creates strength in the body. It is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbas that one day an angel appeared in front of him and said:

Here is the house of Allah which both this child and his father will build and Allah will not waste the people from this house. The place came from Qaeda and the people of the city in the lowlands of Makkah saw from a distance that a bird was circling a place. They thought that the bird was circling that place. They sent two of their men to that place to find out where there is water, they saw water there, they came back and told their men that they needed water, so they came with some muskets to fetch water, and there was a woman and a child. The pious people present at the place were surprised, they asked Sayyida Hajra for water, and in return, she offered a large number of dates to eat and went back. And gave the goods and returned back. Other tribes of Arabs also used to come there to take water and return back.

Once again, the people of Bani Jarham came and asked Hajrat Haja for permission to stay, he liked his habits, so he expressed that he wanted to stay, the water of Zamzam was in the form of water, Seyyedah Hajrah told them that this was the water source. Mine, if you can't have it, the people of Jarham agreed to the condition.

The Messenger of Allah said: May Allah protect him and give him peace. This criminal organization found Ismail's mother friendly, he wanted some people to settle here, so those people and other family members stayed there. He was also called there until many families settled there. Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) grew up among these people and learned the Arabic language from them, although the language of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was Hebrew, not Arabic.

Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) left Sayeda Hajar and little Ismail in this desolate valley. They were helpless helpers. They faced all kinds of suffering and dangers. There was no one to console them. Don't be afraid, eat half, and Allah will destroy you This is the place of the House of Allah, the construction of which has been destined for this child and his father Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Suffered various sufferings. He placed his son and his mother near the holy house for the mission and purpose of spreading da'wah and the religion of Allah. 

be successful During the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and even before him, people used to sacrifice human lives or sometimes animals to please the gods. that they ask for sacrifices from their gods, if sacrifices are not given to please these false gods, then their gods will be angry and will bring all kinds of troubles to them. Yes, but the purpose of sacrifice in Islam is something else. Hazrat Ibrahim was a prophet of Allah. It is mentioned thus. Then when Wahaz Kalini Ismail reached the age of running, one day Ibrahim said: "Son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you." Now tell me, what do you think?" He said, "Father, whatever you are ordered to do, do it. Inshallah, you will find me among those who are patient."

Finally, when both of them surrendered and Abraham put the son on his forehead, we did not give him either. Indeed, it was an open ordeal and we redeemed this child by making a great sacrifice and leaving his praise to the generations to come. Such is the reward We give to those who do good. Indeed, they were among Our believing servants The meaning is clear. They saw that they were slaughtering the son but did not slaughter it. The meaning of asking the boy was whether he was really righteous and good. When the boy said that if Allah's command is like this, then do it. In the boy's answer, he is showing that he is obedient to his father and less obedient to God. This means that the prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) has been fulfilled. This sacrifice took place at the place of Achni, since then, on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, they commemorate this event and offer animal sacrifices. One day Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came to Makkah from Palestine and said to his son Ismail that Allah has ordered that I build his house. I need your help to do this. The boy said I am here to build God's house; do not delay this work.

They are mentioned in the Qur'an in this order. When Abraham and Ismail built the wall of this house, they prayed: O Lord, if you accept this service from us, He hears and knows everything. This house was built by a father and son, this house was not only a place of worship but also a gathering place for Muslims from all over the world to see the scene of brotherhood here. Regardless of race, color, or language, everyone unites here and calls themselves Muslims. At different places in the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty has said in different ways: "I appointed for Abraham the place of his house and instructed him not to associate anyone with Me, and those who circumambulate My House and those who stay there, bow down." And keeping clean for those who prostrate.” Indeed, the first house appointed for the people was the one built in Makkah. This house is blessed and a center for the guidance of all the world. There are clear signs of Allah in it, whoever enters it from the position of Ibrahim, peace will be removed.

O Lord, make us both obedient to you, raise up a nation from among our generation, who are Muslims, who follow your orders, tell us your ways of worship, forgive our mistakes, then you are the most forgiving. O Lord, I am among these people. A messenger has arisen from their people who will recite your verses to them, teach them the Book and wisdom, and make their lives beautiful, then he is mighty and wise.

When Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) both built the house of Allah, people were called for worship. It has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in this way and commanded that people should come to you, whether they come on foot or come from far away places on camels to come here and see how it is for them. There are religious and worldly benefits.

Prophet Ismail (Peace be upon him)

Marriage of Hazrat Ismail in Banu Jarham tribe:

Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) was married to the tribe of Banu Jarham, this tribe had settled in this deserted place with the permission of Hazrat Hajra. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) spoke Hebrew, Hazrat Hajra spoke Coptic, and Banu Jarham spoke Arabic, therefore the language of Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him)’s mother-in-law was Arabic, Arab people settled in this area. And Hadar used to preach in the regions of death. He, peace be upon him, had very good morals, was good at promises, and had twelve sons and one daughter. He used to order his family members to pray and zakat. The purpose of giving zakat was the welfare of the poor. He took special care of the poor and the needy. He followed the orders of Allah. Our beloved Prophet ï·º is also the family of Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him). were from.

Prophet Ismail (Peace be upon him)

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