World History

The History of lslamic Civilization.where does it start World History Books. according to the past Islamic Date. where does it start Muslim Date Today. how is it Islamic Powerful Country. which ones are Old World History. where did it start Old Time People. how were Old Time Wars. how was Old Muslim Warriors. alot of battles to win



Friday 14 October 2022

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

 Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was also a great prophet. Among all the prophets who came before our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had the highest rank. The Prophet came. Our Prophet is also from his generation. Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) were also related to him. This is the reason why Jews and Ansars also believe in Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Muslims believe a lot. You are mentioned in Harnamaz. Allah Ta'ala says that mentions Abraham in this book. He was a righteous prophet.

In another place, Allah Almighty says that they were indeed obedient to Allah and were of the same party and were not of the polytheists. They were grateful for the blessings of Allah. We gave them good qualities in this life and in the Hereafter." The Jews and the Ansari claim that they are very close to them. Allah Almighty says: "They were neither Jews nor Christians, but they were on the straight path. were turned on He was pious. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) spent his entire life traveling. Today he is in Syria, tomorrow he is in Egypt, and after some time he is visiting Hijaz in Jordan or Palestine.

Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was born in the city of Babylon. It is said that earlier the name of Iraq was Babylon, or the name of a city in Iraq, your father's name was Martha. In your time people were very misguided, all kinds of moral vices were found among them. Their behavior among themselves was also not good and they were very stubborn, they did not feed the hungry and threw a living person into the fire, killed and plundered. That is why Almighty God likened this nation to the presence of Abraham, peace be upon him. He said: Reem was vivacious and a gentleman of medicine.

Raheem Al-Ajj means that you were very merciful and had a kind heart, but your people were not merciful but hard-hearted and hard-hearted. Painful medicine means you have been tolerant, patient, and brave. But your nation was completely deprived of these qualities. Almighty God said, “Abraham is a good example for you, so you must have the same qualities in yourself, O patience and courage. And in one place he says that the best religion is the religion of Abraham. It is said that Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Lot (peace be upon him) were at the same time, rather, Hazrat Lot and Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) were brothers from a distant relationship. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) also hated idolatry very much. The father of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was himself an idolater and used to make idols and sell them in the market. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to his father:O my father, you make idols, you have gone astray." The father heard his son's words and said: O Ibrahim, have you come to us with something crude, or are we Just kidding."

Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied: "Our and your Lord is the One who created the earth and ease." Then he said: O my father, why do you worship something that neither hears nor sees anything that can be of any use to you? I will show you the straight path. O my father, do not worship Satan, Satan is disobedient to the Most Merciful. O my father, I fear. Do this so that no punishment will come upon you from the Most Merciful, then you, Satan "Be a partner." And the father replied: 

"Are you full of my god?" Then the father said: Abraham, if you do not stop, I will stone you, and you will always be away from me forever. Hear the words said. "I greet and ask forgiveness from my Lord for you. God has mercy on me, and now I will worship my Lord, and I will not be deprived of the worship of my Lord, and after saying this, Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him) left.

On one occasion he addressed his people and said: “Ours and your Lord is the One who created the earth and the heavens.” O people, you worship the idols made by your own hands, and there is no power in them to destroy them. The nation said: We are walking on the path of our ancestors. I saw them do the same thing. Abraham said: "It is the Lord who created me and you all." Guidelines. He feeds me, drinks me, and heals me when I love him. You also went through a period that was a complete test, you used your own wisdom and understanding. You begin to wonder why people worship the moon, sun, stars, and idols, and they all degenerate.

Once you saw the stars in the night, did you think it could be the Lord? He said: This is my Lord. When he disappeared, he said, "I don't like those who put." When he found the moon shining, he said: This is my Lord. And when he also disappeared, he said: "If my Lord does not guide me." So I will join the misleading people. When he saw the sun, he said: This is my Lord who is the greatest. And when it was also established, he said: O people, I loathe your polytheism. Turn to the One who created the heavens and the earth, I am on the straight path and I am not one of the polytheists.” This means that you follow the ways that someone told you or the ways of the ancestors they follow. He did not follow them, but he began to think and think with common sense. Used to be, people used to carry merchandise and sell it there  Idols are also sold to get all the necessary things, so people are fair Entertainment equipment was also provided when I went there. People used to celebrate color rallies and have fun. Once it happened that people from all over gathered in the fair and were buying and selling when suddenly a spark flew from someone's hearth and a fire started. Everything was burnt. The idols were also burnt to ashes. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) saw this scene and said that these idols could not save themselves from the fire, so how could they be called gods. As usual, the fair took place in the second year as well. All the people started preparing to go to the fair. Ibrahim also used to go to the fair every year but this year he refused to go. He said that when all the people leave the fair, I will make the fire of these false gods. Everyone went to the fair, the field was empty, and there was no one around the shrine. It was a great opportunity for Abraham, he entered the idol house and smashed all the idols. Except for the big idol, the big idol was not touched, it was left intact and an ax was placed on its shoulder.

From which the idols were destroyed. When the people returned from the fair, the priests entered the shrine done After doing something, they were all surprised to see that the idols were lying on the ground, they started talking to each other that maybe the young Ibrahim had a hand in it. Because it is against idols. People were angry, called Ibrahim, and asked him   Who has brought the gods to this state? Abraham replied why don't you ask your big idol whom you consider your god, he will tell you everything. All the people said that Abraham should be presented before King Nimrod. So the king was informed about it.

The people said that this matter will be presented to king Nimrod and Abraham will be punished. The people arrived at the court of Nimrod, and they all complained to the king that Abraham mocks our idols and says that these idols God is not God, but God is someone else. He has broken our idols and insulted our idols. Be punished. Nimrod, after hearing such words from the mouth of the people, ordered that Ibrahim be brought to my court. So Abraham was brought to the royal court. All the nobles and companions were sitting in the bar. Nimrod asked Ibrahim, "Does he mock and deny our gods?" did you our Are the gods broken? King Nimrod spoke to Ibrahim in a very harsh tone. Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) bravely answered every question. Hazrat Ibrahim (may God bless him and grant him peace) said: Your Lord said all this.

It is better to ask them: In the royal court all the chiefs, princes, and companions were sitting listening to everything that happened between the king and Abraham (peace be upon him), and they all said that idols can also speak. 

Abraham answered him: “He who does not see, does not hear, and satisfies your desire, how can your God accept him, my God? The Lord kills and also burns." Nimrod said that I can do this too. I can punish whoever I want to die and release whoever I want. I am the ruler of this country, I have the crown. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said that the Lord brings out the sun from the east. Even so, take it out from the West. Nimr Wadala was the answer. The people he bowed his head in shame. One of them advised the king to burn this person alive so that others would learn a lesson.

then said:
“O people, you call him your God whom you have called your hands, you must worship only one God who is worthy of worship.
He is the one who created the entire universe. The people did not listen to Abraham's words. King Nimrod also ordered that Abraham be thrown into the fire alive. So the fire was ready. All the people gathered to see the burning scene of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

 The priests of the idols were also happy and said that Abraham would be punished for violating our gods. Then Abraham was thrown into the burning fire. Allah could not harm Atshakd, Nimr, and Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Salam was saved from burning. Although Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had left his father a long time ago, he often prayed for him that he should come to the right path, but Allah Almighty commanded Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) that the polytheists and disbelievers and Do not pray for those who go astray. Because his father was also among the misguided people, he was forbidden to pray. In the will of Allah, it is accepted by him who does this before death and also does good deeds. Real faith is good deeds.
He continued his preaching, but there was no change in the misguided nation, but those people were after his life and kept life as a reward. They used to persecute and taunt you, which made your life difficult, so when you got fed up, you decided to emigrate, packed your luggage, and left for Palestine.
According to traditions and history, Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) was also in his time, he was also his brother, he also left for Palestine with Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Hazrat Abraham (peace be upon him) also preached in Palestine. After staying for a long time, he left for Egypt. At that time, Egypt was under the rule of Pharaoh. The king who ruled Egypt was called Pharaoh. According to the traditions, he was related to the royal family, in this sense, the king who ruled in Egypt was also a relative of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), which is why the king of Egypt showed great respect to him, began to obey him and entertained him. held as He also invited the king of Egypt to Islam and told him the path of goodness. The king of Egypt was luxurious and was suffering from misguidance, which is why he was not trustworthy in the eyes of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him).
Sarah, the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) belonged to the tribe of Kama You were a good woman. Hazrat Sarah was also with him in greatness and chastity and supported him in every difficult time. Hazrat Ibrahim was related to the King of Egypt, so the King of Egypt called Hazrat Sarah in his solution. Sent. Hazrat Ibrahim, May peace be upon him, was well aware of the mood of the king, so he took Sarah in the cage, Hazrat Ibrahim was very tired from the journey, so he could not talk to the king, he only said that Allah does not like pride, king. As soon as he wanted to raise his hand towards Hazrat Sarah with bad intentions, Sarah's fear and anger got on him. Hazrat Sarah forgave him and Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) also forgave him.
The king was very impressed by your morals and gave his daughter Hajra in marriage to you and also gave him a lot of wealth and things and promised to believe. Hazrat Sarah and Hazrat Hajra started living together with love and agreement. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) left for Palestine after staying in Egypt for some time, that is why Palestine is called the land of prophets. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not have any children, so he was Kotam Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who often prayed for his children, and Allah accepted his prayer. Hazrat Hajra was blessed with children. The child was named Ismail. Hazrat Sarah did not have any children from her womb, so jealousy arose in Sarah's heart. Sarah was very sad and very disappointed. Desperate mind The anger became angry and Hazrat Hajra became unfaithful, life became unpleasant. One day, Sarah expressed her desire to Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) that Hagar and her child be kept away from my sight. This proposal of Sarah became a cause of sorrow for Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). . Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) also loved Sarah very much. She was your first wife. Allah revealed to you that Hagar and her child should be separated. You had to obey Allah's order. Even though this matter was difficult for you, but this was Allah's will, you bowed your head before Allah's order. One day he left for an unknown destination with his young wife Hagar and her child, he reached a valley where there was nothing but plains and mountains, a distant glimpse of greenery. It was not coming, there was no water in such a place, and life was very difficult. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) chose a place and camped there. You brought with you a bottle of water and a bag of dates, that was their food in dates and a bottle of water. Handed over to Hazrat Hajra and said that I am leaving the place.
God is your guardian. When he started to leave, Hazrat Hajra ran behind him and said, "Where are you leaving me in this desert and desert, on whose shelter should I live here?" There is not even a drop of water here. Hazrat Ibrahim is silent. When Hazrat Hajra insisted, again and again, he said I am leaving here by the command of Allah. Hazrat Hajra used to be good and worshipful, when she heard the command of Allah, she said Allah will protect me and provide me with the means to live, so you leave me here. When Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) started to leave, you kept watching. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not lose patience even on the occasion of this separation. Follow the order of Allah. You left your beloved son and wife, I had been through a lot of trials. You prayed to Allah:
O Lord, I am settling down with my wife and child in a place where your holy house is, where the land is completely barren and nothing grows here, so by your grace and grace make this land capable of being born here. That we should eat your sustenance, I should worship, I should establish prayer and I should thank you.
He prayed and left. Hazrat Hagar was alone. I had only an infant. For some days, Hazrat Hajra lived only on dates and water. Breastfeed your baby, you become weak due to lack of proper food. The milk in the breast had also dried up, so the milk was not coming out. The child was also hungry. Hazrat Hajar became desperate after seeing her sister hungry, there was nothing to eat even for herself, Ishmael (peace be upon him) was a child, crying from hunger. Seeing this condition of the child, the mother was shocked. I thought in my heart that if a person is seen somewhere, the door is closed. You ran and climbed a high place, it was a hill, its name was Safa. They looked far and wide, but no one was seen, got down from there and climbed another hill nearby, its name was Marwah, but no one was seen from there either. There was nothing but desolation on all sides. In this world of restlessness and indecision, he circled the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times, then he reached the child and saw that near the child's heel, a spring burst out by the mercy of Allah. Is. You were surprised to see the water, thanked Allah, and then drank it. The water was very cold and the taste was pleasant. Hazrat Hajra got water. Where the citizens were. One day, a convoy was passing at some distance from there. Convoys The people saw the human beings from a distance and got curious. They came closer and found Hazrat Hajar and the child there. They also needed water. They asked Hazrat Hajar for water. Then they pointed to the spring of Zam Zam. He drank the water and watered the cattle as well. In return, he offered Hagar a date palm to eat and inquired about the reason for living in this desolate desert. Hazrat Hajra told everything. After staying for a few days, the caravan moved from there. In the same way, the caravans kept coming and after staying for a few days, they would leave for their destination. Once our caravan came to Banjar, when they saw water Zamzam, they camped there and took up residence. They also had a lot of cattle. As the days passed, Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) also grew up, after the arrival of the Banu Jarham tribe, the population increased a bit and a settlement was formed. He met his son Hazrat Ismail and his wife Hazrat Hajra? He also started living with Hazrat Hajra, and Hazrat Sarah also started to take the news of Hajra.
Hazrat Sarah had no other children. From which two million would have been released. You were also worried about the childlessness of your first wife. You were very hospitable, you don't eat unless you have a guest at your table. As usual, you were waiting for the guest to eat when the guest arrived. You welcomed the guests and were happy when you placed the food in front of the guests, they did not touch the food and remained seated. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was surprised at the attitude of the guests. You used to slaughter the animals for the guests and roast them and put them in front of them. They also made similar arrangements for the coming guests but the guests are not eating. In your time it was considered a declaration of war when a guest didn't eat, so you're worried. Activity. The dream of Ibrahim (as) is worried, the guests said, do not be afraid, we came from Allah, we are angels and we came to punish the people of Lot for their sins and to give us good. news. Same to you. Hearing this, Ibrahim (a.s) smiled and said, "What is the Bible?" she asked. When the angels heard that Sarah would have a child from her womb, Hz. They said that Ibrahim (a.s) was surprised and thought I was Omri. One hundred years and Sarah's age is eighty years. How can one hope for children at this old age? But Allah is almighty, He can do everything, and he should remain silent. Hazrat Sarah laughed hearing the angels and said I am old and Ibrahim is also old, how can one have children at this age.
The angels answered that everything is possible with Allah. The angels gave the good news of the birth of Isaac to Sarah. The angels did not only say that but also said that Isaac will also have a son and his name will be Jacob. May Allah bless you. He is merciful and blessed. He will make your children grow like stars. Allah blessed Hazrat Sarah with the blessing of children, his name was Ishaq. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) now began to live with Hazrat Hajra, Allah put Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to another test.
Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) dreamed one night that he was sacrificing his beloved son Hazrat Ismail. For three nights, such a dream appeared. The dreams of prophets are not just dreams, they are part of it. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) understood that there was a demand to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) bowed his head.
 You said to your son: 
"Oh, my son! I dreamed that you were slaughtered. This is a sign that God wants your sacrifices for him."

The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

what do you think about me? "He said without hesitation. If this is the order of Allah, I am ready to give my life in the way of Allah. You will find me among those who are patient."
When the weak father was ready to sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah, Abraham's son immediately agreed and stuck his neck under the knife. God's mercy cried out, and the voice came out:
"O Ibrahim, you have made your dream come true, we reward those who do good deeds like this." On this occasion, the angel of Allah showed a snake in front of Hazrat Ibrahim, so that he could slaughter it instead of his son. So you did just that. This is the sacrifice that was accepted in the presence of Allah Almighty. Even today, the children of Tawheed remind Abraham in this regard. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:
Allah does not wear the meat of the sacrifice, nor the blood, but it reaches Allah. The first time Nimrod threw you into the fire, the fire cooled down, the second time he had to leave his wife Hazrat Hagar and little Ismail alone in a desolate and desolate area, the third time he had to sacrifice his son Ismail in the way of Allah, but Allah Can we also create the spirit of sacrifice in ourselves in the same way? You can create such a spirit in yourself in such a way that if you feed a hungry person, it is a sacrifice. It is also a sacrifice to seek the news of a person who is in the world of bankruptcy and is not in a happy state. Dressing in bare clothes is also a sacrifice. If the person suffering from a disease is poor, then providing medicine to him is a sacrifice. Giving charity to a beggar is also a sacrifice. Jihad in the way of Allah is a sacrifice. It is also a sacrifice to protect the country. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) lived in Palestine, he used to come to Makkah to meet Hazrat Hagar and Hazrat Ismail. Once Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came to Makkah to build Baitullah, at that time Hazrat Ismail was 20 years old. The father met the son. This time Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came to Makkah after a long time. Hazrat Ismail did not blush to see his father. They hugged each other happily. Hazrat Ibrahim. He said to his son: "Indeed, your Lord has built me ​​his house (Baitullah). Ordered to do. Hazrat Ismail replied, "Father! Obey Allah's order immediately. The father said, "The Lord of the Universe has ordered you to help me in this great work." He said, "I am here, you have passed." So both of them got ready for Kaaba.
According to tradition, the work of preparing the Kaaba began. Hazrat Jibreel guided where the foundation of the Kaaba should be placed and how much space should be surrounded by it, and how to build it. On the advice of Hazrat Jibreel, father and son started digging. Hazrat Ismail brought stones in the guise of a laborer. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used to build a wall by placing stone upon stone. The nets were very heavy, Allah had given them strength. According to tradition, mountains were used again in the foundations. When the wall became so high that it became difficult to place stones at the height, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) asked his son to find a stone on which to stand and raise the wall. Syed Na Ismail found such a stone and brought it and stood on this stone Raising the wall. It is remembered by the name of Maqam Ibrahim. This hard stone But there were footprints. When the wall was raised as desired, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) that another good thing Bring the stone to set it on a corner and make this rule That Tawaf starts from this place.
Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) found such a stone. From which the light was coming out. Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) was surprised to see the light. Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) asked, "Father, which is the stone in my soul?" Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied, "This is the stone that Gabriel (peace be upon him) brought from Paradise." This stone was installed on a corner. The Tawaf cycle starts from this point. Come and create the spirit of Abraham in you. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is also called the father of the Prophets.

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